(Written from a prison cell in August 2023, prior to the Supreme Court ruling in Fischer v. United States that invalidated a felony charge inappropriately used by the Biden/Harris DOJ)
AUTHOR BIO: "John Strand is a Maverick—a professional model, actor, musician, and author, and now the Creative Director at America's Frontline Doctors and the host of Frontline Flash®. A former J6 political prisoner from Los Angeles, California, he is working toward the release and exoneration of all other J6 defendants after serving part of a nearly 3-year prison sentence as an innocent man, later vindicated by the U.S. Supreme Court. His new book, Patriot Plea, is an explosive revelation of government corruption, weaponization, and shocking prison abuse resulting from his unwavering stand for truth and Free Speech while leading a "Red Pill Revolution." Inquiries are welcome at (on 𝕏 @JohnStrandUSA)."
As you may know, I've been reporting from inside a federal prison, forced to sacrifice years of my life as a political hostage of the corrupt Joe Biden/Kamala Harris administration, essentially because I refused to be silenced by the "intimidation censorship" implemented through Biden & Kamala's weaponized DOJ persecution of President Trump and his supporters (if you need further background on my story and the stark clarity of my innocence amidst the controversial January 6th protest event, simply watch the 14-minute video "Do You Know What Happened On J6?" posted at; it will shock you, and it accurately details the truth of what happened to me).
Upon my arrival at FCI Miami—a literal political prisoner in the United States—an inmate handed me the latest issue of Wired Magazine, with a cover article featuring French satellite "giant" Eutelsat, the world's third-largest such enterprise now helmed by first-year CEO Eva Berneke, a Danish woman with at least slightly better liberty instincts than the Biden/Kamala regime operatives since exposed by the Twitter files and other revelations for perniciously outsourcing their myriad First Amendment violations (see: Biden v. Missouri). The dust hasn't even settled from my tumbling into an inhumanely cramped 8'x10' prison cell (with two 6'2" men stuffed inside), and already this fascist federal government is further spreading their tyrannical tentacles to every possible juncture, continuously feeding an insatiable appetite for devouring any dissident thought (they would soon throw me in horrific isolation conditions after I transmitted this editorial).
The widespread and unmistakably strategic abuses inflicted by the censorious regime of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, as noted in a Brownstone piece and a topic frequently spotlighted by Dr. Robert Malone, have continually been executed by the insidiously long arms of tech companies such as Google, Facebook, and Twitter, the latter now largely reformed by self-proclaimed (and self-evidenced) Free Speech absolutist Elon Musk, whose Starlink program is the chief competitor of Berneke's new command. Eutelsat recently acquired British short distance satellite network OneWeb in a daring new effort to expand their high speed satellite internet services and compete with offerings from tech titans Musk and Jeff Bezos. Berneke is bright and bold enough not to shirk from Musk's competitive prowess and relentless ingenuity, nor to disingenuously criticize it, but rather to embrace it as a rising tide that lifts all ships that sail in the open waters of free market forces. Yet, danger is ever present on the high seas; Biden's & Kamala's cronies in Ukraine (handsomely bribed as they are by billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars) have leapt to replicate the censorious (read: communist) behavior that is now increasingly hardwired into the apparatus of national governments globally, though most are certainly taking their cues from the United States, which is now ironically chastised by the modest but profoundly significant resistance of Berneke, as she rebuffs recent efforts by both Ukraine and Iran to coerce censorship of Eutelsat's programming.
"We've always had a policy of neutrality" she offers in a decidedly European-esque understatement; yet the message is not neutral, but existential: making consumers' choices for them is the territory of tyrants, not giants. If only the country that codified this truth into its very constitutional foundation would recognize the dangers of the Marxist rip tides sweeping through the ivy leagues of our lauded universities and saturating the self-annointed expert class of bureaucratic elites who operate our government and media; tides which have all but washed away those principled moorings and now have our nation, the very bedrock of contemporary liberty, crumbling into an angry ocean of manufactured division and hatred. Assumed to be the universal desire of most people, "love" and "peace" are incompatible with ignorance—and ignorance is the explicit objective of all censorship efforts.
Early on, France gifted the United States of America with an iconic symbol of liberty. In prominently stationing her on the edge of America's waters, the intent was to hardwire the memory of that greatest of virtues, along with the courage, sacrifice, and steadfastness required to achieve and preserve it. Clearly, we need once again a similar spark of inspiration to revive our national drive for the liberty that really matters—freedom of thought, or "Cognitive Liberty," which only flourishes as a byproduct of the Free Speech we must continue to exercise in order to preserve the very idea of freedom itself. To prove that information is power, you have only to observe the behavior of the powerful as they systematically seek to deprive the masses of complete information—wielding that most ominous weapon of omission bias—thus seeking to render our society ignorant and powerless, easily manipulated and managed. This "5th Generation Warfare," as Dr. Malone rightly points out at nearly every turn, is a first-rate threat to our future as sovereign individuals, which God designed and created us to be, making this very much a Holy War for the destiny of humanity. Censorship is always nefarious, and what it constitutes is an invisible form of "social programming"; it is an encoded cancer designed by tyrants and deviants to erode and eventually eliminate our Cognitive Liberty, freedom's innermost essence. If we fail to recognize and aggressively combat this cancerous threat, our liberties will soon suffer a painful and avoidable death…and our very lives with it. To think is to live; to be free is to breathe. My prison experience has proven this with suffocating certainty.
So you should exhale, and resolve to emulate Eva Berneke's 'stellar' example by always resisting any shackles of censorship wherever you encounter them, across the entire universe of humanity's expanding reach. Because every link we can break in those censorious chains is truly "one small step for Free Speech; one giant leap for freedom of mankind.

Afterward, written by Dr. Robert W. Malone
On January 21st, President Trump will resume the presidency.
There is hope that there will finally be some sort of exoneration and/or pardon from the Federal government for those serving or who have served a sentence for their involvement in the January 6th protests (President Trump, all eyes are on you) for those non-violent protestors from January 6, 20240. That should include a pardon for those non-violent protestors still serving and for those who have been released.
Unfortunately, a pardon does not erase a conviction from a person's record; it only removes the punishment and restores the loss of civil liberties associated with the conviction (such as restoring the right to bear arms and voting rights).
Over 600 January 6th protestors have been sentenced to prison, with somewhere around 1,000 convictions; with many being sentenced to home detention or probation for lesser offenses.
As of November 2024, federal prosecutors are still combing through photographs and cell phone data to identify more people at the protest. So far, they have secured over 1,100 convictions for the January 6 protest, with many court proceedings ongoing. The new arrests and sentences are continuing. Estimates range from over 1200 to over 1400 people who have been arrested for their involvement in the January 6th protest.
Yes, there were bad actors involved. But the truth is that number is not near 600. In total, there have been 14 people have been convicted of seditious conspiracy, and 69 people pleaded guilty to assaulting law enforcement with a dangerous or deadly weapon.
Remember, only 14 people have been convicted of seditious conspiracy, which could have been as simple as taking or destroying something within the capital building.
That means the other 1200+ people arrested - were there as protestors. Yes, January 6th got out of hand, yes people got carried away, as often happens at protests. But never in the history of the United States have such harsh sentences been meted out for a political protest.
The persecution of so many of the January 6 protesters was just that - a persecution for political purposes.
President Trump can go a long way to healing the nation by providing some sort of clemency for the vast numbers of people who have been sentenced. Trump has stated that he would review cases on an individual basis, we as a people, need to hold him to this campaign promise.