Gas Prices: When is enough, enough?
"The price of gas continues to climb each day. Folks like you in towns across America have experienced increases of as much as 11% in the last month alone. This comes after we It's been two years since the Democrats took control of Congress, and they've ignored practical solutions to reduce energy costs and reduce America's dependence on foreign oil. Republicans are proposing 21st century solutions to our energy crisis but we need your help. We invite you to sign this petition and tell Congress just how much this energy crisis has hurt your wallet. No one can deny the increased strain put on the American middle class families. were promised by Nancy Pelosi two years ago that the Democrats had a "common sense" plan to bring down the gas prices.
Sign the petition today and tell Congress you want them to:
- Suspend the Federal 18.4-cents-per-gallon gasoline tax for the high-demand summer months.
- Suspend all earmarks for one year and use the money to fund highways, bridges and other important infrastructure around the country.
- Increase American oil production, and cut our reliance on foreign imports from unstable nations.
- Allow U.S. refineries to expand and create more energy.
It is critical that we tell Congress that America needs new, innovative solutions to confront this crisis.
National Republican Congressional Committee