Leader of the 'Pride'
"I have joined efforts at the United Nations to decriminalize homosexuality around the world," President Obama writes. "Here at home, I continue to support measures to bring the full spectrum of equal rights to LGBT Americans. These measures include enhancing hate crimes laws, supporting civil unions, and ending the existing "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy..."
If, as the saying goes, people are policy, then we have no doubt where this White House stands. At last count, the Obama administration employed 36 open homosexuals. That number could climb to 37 if the Department of Education manages to squeak Kevin Jennings past an unsuspecting public. As we mentioned yesterday, Jennings, the controversial founder of the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network (GLSEN), has been appointed by Secretary Arne Duncan to be Assistant Deputy Secretary for the Office of Safe and Drug Free Schools despite his endorsement of the book Queering Elementary Education, for which Jennings wrote the foreword.
For those who aren't familiar with Queering, it focuses extensively on "re-educating parents" who object to teaching children about homosexual families, "affirming 'sissy boys,'" and eliminating "Mother's Day" and "Father's Day" from the classroom. Other chapters encourage the use of music to indoctrinate kids (with pro-homosexual songs like "Mama, What's a Dyke?"), and the drive to include gay-friendly literature in grade school, particularly the type that "affirms the comfortable friendships between young boys and adult homosexual men."
Obviously, this is more of an education than most American parents bargained for. If you'd like to protect your kids from this environment, join the protest by contacting Secretary Arne Duncan at 202-401-3000. Tell him to there is nothing "safe" about Kevin Jennings--and his "queering" agenda!

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