Once Again Obama And The Democrats Cap-and-Trade Plan Will Hurt Americans

Once again Obama's Democrats are hurting the middle class!
In an effort to appease the radical environmental special interests, energy taxes in the name of global warming will increase power bills for virtually all Americans.
It is called "cap-and-trade" legislation that sets limits on carbon emissions, but most utilities will pass the added costs to consumers.
Electricity bills would be raised substantially for Americans!
The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) agrees about the danger in an analysis of the Democrats' cap and trade bill in a recent report:
· This amounts to $846 billion in new energy taxes that effect Americans directly
· It provides no relief for most of the middle class
· It creates several new federal programs and government agencies, and the new administrative costs would average $800 million annually over the first 10 years.
· The tax could cost American families up to $3,100 per yearAs House Minority Leader, John Boehner (R-Ohio) said, "Washington is hanging the middle-class out to dry."
The Democrats are using cap and trade to fire a stealth missile at the pocket books of normal Americans.
Make sure you let your Member of Congress know this legislation is a bad idea.
Click here to read the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) Report.