"We must do everything we can to end human trafficking—and that starts with shutting down the places where traffickers operate.
Earlier this year, we voted for H.R. 1865, the Allow States and Victims to Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act (FOSTA) to help authorities crack down on websites that enable sex trafficking, and this week, the President signed the bill into law.
FOSTA amends the Communications Decency Act to hold websites more accountable that knowingly facilitate or support sex trafficking while creating a new federal crime for websites that promote illegal prostitution. This legislation gives states and prosecutors the tools they need to enforce sex trafficking statutes on the books and provides victims a path forward so they can seek justice from websites that knowingly provide safe harbor to human traffickers.
Online sex trafficking is a heinous crime that tragically occurs on a daily basis.
Giving law enforcement the tools to prosecute websites that knowingly facilitate illegal prostitution and giving sex trafficking victims the ability to seek much-needed restitution is a positive step in stopping the manipulation and exploitation of the vulnerable through the internet."
Congressman Tom Garrett