Sunday, August 5, 2018

Media Bias Blowout

By Gary Bauer

In yesterday's report I wrote about the left-wing media's role in dividing the country.  Contrary to Jim Acosta's pontificating, many reporters these days are not true journalists in the sense that they do not impartially report facts.

And with the rise of Donald Trump, many reporters gleefully dropped the charade of objectivity.  The New York Times acknowledged the media's anti-Trump resistance with an August 2016 column entitled, "Trump Is Testing the Norms of Objectivity In Journalism."

Well, with its latest hire of Sarah Jeong as a member of its editorial board, it seems the Times has abandoned common decency too.

Jeong's Twitter feed is littered with bigoted rants against white people.  [WARNING: Graphic Language.]  I'll share just one from November 2014:

"Dumba** f***ing white people marking up the internet with their opinions like dogs p*ssing on fire hydrants."

It would have been amazing if the New York Times had not done its due diligence before it hired Jeong.  But it quickly issued a statement defending her.

In fact, the Times admits that it was well aware of her social media history.  And they hired her anyway because she was just defending herself from online "harassment" and criticism.

That excuse doesn't pass the straight face test.  Jeong has also tweeted lots of disgusting anti-police rants too.  (I seriously doubt cops were trolling her.)  And still the New York Times hired her.

Martin Luther King, Jr., must be rolling over in his grave!

Why are forces on the left trying so desperately to divide us over what matters the least -- the pigment of our skin?  It was Dr. King's dream, and one I believe most Americans share, that we judge one another not by the color of our skin, but by the content of our character.

Every civil rights group should denounce the hiring of Jeong.  Racism of any kind is wrong, and it should be rejected by all people of goodwill.

Here's the good news.  The left's race-baiting may no longer be working.

The latest Rasmussen poll finds that Trump's support among black Americans has risen from 15% last year to 29% now.  His support among Hispanics is rising too.