Saturday, June 15, 2024

Stand for Health Freedom: US Senate candidate says NO! to the WHO

"We should get out of the World Health Organization," said U.S. Senate hopeful Jonathan Emord. "And we should not allow our system of health care in this country to be dominated by any other power."

In a brand new interview with SHF Executive Director Leah Wilson, Emord, who is running to represent the state of Virginia in the Senate, promises to defend the individual rights of all Americans by opposing handing over our health sovereignty to the World Health Organization (WHO).

He explains that the WHO is "an agent of the CCP" and that giving the WHO jurisdiction over us is, in essence, handing the reins of our nation over to the Chinese government. "The CCP then gains control over how we respond to a pandemic," he said. "When you have that kind of control, you have the power over life and death."

If you've read any of our coverage of the WHO and their recent World Health Assembly, you're well aware of the power they'll wield across the globe if the countries of the world agree to their pandemic treaty and the amendments to the International Health Regulations. And the only way to ensure that America retains her liberty is to vote for candidates in this year's elections who will defend our health freedom – candidates like Emord.

"This is insane, really," said Emord, describing how those who control our health care will eventually control our ability to move about and even control our access to food. "We have got to stop it," he said.

"There is no greater tyranny than when I can tell you what goes into your body, whether or not you can make a choice as to whether to be vaccinated, whether to go out to a place to eat," Emord said. "If I can shut down the whole economy, taking away your right to life and liberty and property, I can destroy you."

But all is not lost! Candidates like Jonathan Emord stand ready to ensure that our nation remains free. "I love liberty," said Emord. "I'm dedicated to individual liberty, and I believe that the founding fathers were. I'm a constitutionalist and I believe that the government the founding fathers designed is the most extraordinary gift to humanity in the history of the world."

As we've been saying, we believe this election is our final stand, our last chance to preserve our freedom. Virginia, don't miss the chance to weigh in with your vote!

For liberty and freedom,

Stand for Health Freedom