Friday, June 21, 2024

Heroic Media: The abortion industry lies to women

Overturning Roe v. Wade didn't stop the abortion industry from working to convince women that abortion is their only option. Instead, it made them work harder.


We know that 6 in 10 women who had an abortion said if they had access to financial and emotional support, they would have chosen to keep their baby.


This statistic is why the abortion industrial complex refuses to provide the care that women actually ask for. Over the past decade, the leader of the abortion industrial complex, Planned Parenthood, has reduced healthcare services while increasing abortions.

The abortion industry knows that if women have accurate information about the resources that are available to them at local pregnancy help centers, 60% of women would choose life, which translates to 600,000 women per year.


Abortion is the largest percentage of services Planned Parenthood provides, making it their best selling product. They are incentivized to give women inaccurate and incomplete information to prevent them from doing what they want to do a majority of the time: choose life.


We are establishing a national telehealthcare brand to reach the 600,000 women per year that want to choose life, but don't know about the resources available.


We are asking for your help to make women aware of this brand before they experience an unexpected pregnancy.