Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Mark Obenshain: Kicking California to the curb

I'm grateful to share the news that Virginia is taking a stand against the overreach of unelected bureaucrats in California. Governor Youngkin and Attorney General Miyares have taken decisive action to end the harmful California electric vehicle mandate that has been imposed on our Commonwealth.

I'm deeply appreciative of their work to liberate Virginia from these burdensome regulations dictated by officials nearly 3,000 miles away. We are a proud, fiscally responsible state that believes in limited government and economic freedom, making Virginia a great place to live, work and raise a family.

The Governor's announcement makes it clear that Virginia will no longer be forced to comply with California's misguided policies. Their "Advanced Clean Cars II" regulation, which would have required 35% of new car sales to be electric vehicles by 2026, and 100% by 2035, is completely out of touch with the realities facing our citizens and businesses.

Imposing such extreme mandates, with the threat of millions of dollars in penalties for non-compliance, would have devastating consequences. It could force auto dealers to close their doors and make it more difficult for hardworking Virginians to afford the vehicles that best meet their needs.

I'm glad our state leaders have acted swiftly to protect our automotive industry and consumer choice. Virginians deserve the freedom to choose the vehicles that are right for them, not have that decision dictated by liberal west coast bureaucrats.

This is a significant victory for common sense, fiscal responsibility and limited government. I am proud to stand with Governor Youngkin and Attorney General Miyares in defending the interests of our great Commonwealth.