Friday, June 21, 2024

Victoria Coley: Our Bodies, Our Sports IX Bus ATTACKED by Anti-Woman Vandals

Are you surprised that anti-women vandals defaced the Our Bodies, Our Sports bus? We aren't. 

Overnight vandals violated nearly every inch of the "Take Back Title IX" tour bus. The bus has been on the road since May 29 traveling coast-to-coast building on an incredible movement that has become the largest, most ideologically diverse, women's rights movement of our time. 

The attack happened following our Chapel Hill event. The attackers threw dozens of eggs at the bus. They crossed out the signatures of female athletes and scribbled over messages written by athletes, coaches, parents and supporters of women across the country that said, "Save Women's Sports," "Stand With Women," "Girls Sports For Girls Only," and "For the Girls." 

They defaced the bus calling us "Bigots." With big black sharpies, the destructors wrote "Transphobic F*cks," "Transphobic P*ssies," "Hate Group," "Transphobia hurts ALL women," and "F*ck Transphobia." They drew large images of hairy penises and hung a trans flag beside the bus.
Radical gender ideologues are on our doorstep and they have unleashed a full-frontal attack on the very existence of womanhood. 

We know they are wrong: To believe women deserve fairness and equal opportunity, privacy, and safety is not anti-trans. It is pro-woman, it is pro-reality, it is pro-truth, and it is pro-fairness.

Those attacking us aim to scare us and stop us from spreading our pro-women message across the country. They want us to shut up and allow the Biden administration's new TItle IX rules to take effect, replacing 'sex' with 'gender' and gutting sex-based protections for women altogether. 

We won't back down. 
We won't be silenced. 
We will speak louder.
We will WIN. 
Women and girls' futures depend on our movement.

Our team on the ground is with North Carolina police to document this crime and hold perpetrators to account. But then we have to get moving – we need to keep this bus on the road. Our next stop is Washington, D.C. Riley Gaines, Martina Navratilova, Jennifer Sey, Paula Scanlan, and a dozen other athletes are taking this bus to the White House and to Congress, who need to hear this message most.

This Sunday marks the 52nd anniversary of Title IX and the kickoff to National Women's Sports Week — our most important week and the grand finale of this monumental tour.

Now more than ever we need your help to recover from this violating attack and fight back harder than ever before to STAND WITH WOMEN, PROTECT WOMEN'S SPORTS, and TAKE BACK TITLE IX!