Friday, June 7, 2024

Gary Bauer: End Of Day - 6-7-24

Major War By November?

Will we be in a major war by November? If not a major war, it may be a major war scare to rally the American people around the commander-in-chief, which is what we historically do.

I am raising this frightening prospect because President Joe Biden recently gave Volodymyr Zelensky permission to use American weapons to attack targets inside Russia. This is a major reversal of previous U.S. policy.

Speaking to ABC News, Biden said, "We're not authorizing strikes on Moscow, on the Kremlin." And no, he wasn't being funny. He was trying to reassure us.

But the fact remains that U.S. weapons will now be used to kill Russians on Russian soil -- a big leap toward all-out war with Russia. Biden is playing Russian roulette, and he's not using Hunter's gun.


Vladimir Putin responded to this new policy exactly as you would expect. He said that if this is where Biden wants to go, Russia will provide arms to enemies of America and give them permission to attack targets in the continental United States.

Then it was confirmed yesterday that Russia will soon conduct military exercises involving a flotilla of warships and long-range bombers in the Caribbean. The Russian warships will dock in Cuba and Venezuela, something they have not done for years. But all of a sudden, they are doing it again.

Are we headed for another Cuban missile crisis?

D-Day Diss

Joe Biden did something else disturbing at Normandy yesterday, and if anyone thinks this is a good idea, drop me a note. He gloated over the number of Russians killed and wounded in the Ukraine-Russian war. 

Is that wise? Is that prudent? Does that help the world avoid a major war?

I know all of you know your history, but I doubt many young Americans have thought much about WWII. During the ceremonies recognizing the 80th anniversary of D-Day, one country was missing from the platform -- Russia.

Now, I wouldn't expect them to be there when they are in a war with one of their neighbors. But it is worth remembering that in the alliance that defeated Nazi Germany and the Japanese warlords, Russia lost 27,000,000 people -- far more casualties than the United States, Britain, and France combined.

Yet, from that venue, celebrating the victory over Nazism and with Russia absent from the ceremony, Biden thought it was a good idea to gloat over how many Russians are dying now.


Lost Again

Here's something else that should concern every American.

When Joe Biden arrived for D-Day ceremonies at Omaha Beach, he got out of his SUV and appeared completely confused about where he was and what he was supposed to be doing. He seemed totally lost, like he often does when he finishes a speech and can't find his way off the stage.

I would again say to my friends in the strong defense wing of the GOP, do you really have no second thoughts about pushing this guy to be more aggressive with Russia?