Saturday, June 15, 2024

Mike Davis, Article III Project: This is lawfare by another name

While we usually focus on the left's illegal lawfare against President Trump, in light of this week's Hunter Biden conviction, I want to highlight the other side of the same coin.

This is lawfare by another name: COVER-UP, as I told Steve Bannon on Tuesday.

Democrat Senators hand-picked Joe Biden's home-state Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss, who covered up the Biden Crime Family's foreign corruption for years. The gun trial only happened because an honest judge saw through the sweetheart deal Weiss attempted to give Hunter to make all of his other highly criminal acts disappear.

Hunter Biden is nothing more than a sleazebag crackhead, a deadbeat dad, and now the Biden Crime Family's fall guy.

The left and their enablers in the mainstream media think that Hunter Biden's guilty verdict proves the Dems aren't abusing our legal system.

So hear me loud and clear: this is a sideshow. (More on that here.)

The Dems want us talking about Hunter's guilty verdict, not about Joe and Hunter Biden's international corruption that has gone on for decades.

Never give the Dems what they want.