Thursday, June 27, 2024

America2100: THE CENTURY: Free Speech Is Less Free Today

In a 6-3 decision penned by Justice Amy Coney Barrett, the Supreme Court has sided with the Biden administration, "rejecting a Republican challenge that sought to prevent the government from contacting social media platforms to combat what it said was misinformation," The New York Times reported. 
  • "Andrew Bailey, Missouri's attorney general, said he would continue to try 'to build the wall of separation between tech and state. The record is clear: The deep state pressured and coerced social media companies to take down truthful speech simply because it was conservative,' he said in a statement. 'Today's ruling does not dispute that.'" 
In a lengthy dissent, Justice Samuel Alito took issue with the High Court's decision, arguing that by siding with the Biden administration, the majority has abandoned their constitutional duty to prevent the federal government from engaging in similar behaviors in the future: 
  • "The Court, however, shirks that duty and thus permits the successful campaign of coercion in this case to stand as an attractive model for future officials who want to control what the people say, hear, and think. That is regrettable. What the officials did in this case was more subtle than the ham-handed censorship found to be unconstitutional in Vullo, but it was no less coercive. And because of the perpetrators' high positions, it was even more dangerous. It was blatantly unconstitutional, and the country may come to regret the Court's failure to say so. Officials who read today's decision together with Vullo will get the message. If a coercive campaign is carried out with enough sophistication, it may get by. That is not a message this Court should send." 
When the case was first being heard in March, Aaron Kheriarty observed how "the government's relationship with social media is not analogous to government interactions with print media."
  • "But the power dynamic is entirely different with Facebook, Google, and X (formerly Twitter): The government does have a sword of Damocles to hang over the head of noncompliant social media companies if they refuse to censor — in fact, several swords, including the threat to remove Section 230 liability protections, which Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg has accurately called an 'existential threat' to their business, or threats to break up their monopolies. As the record in our lawsuit shows, the government explicitly made just such threats, even publicly on several occasions, in direct connection to their censorship demands."
Senator Eric Schmitt (R-MO), who filed the initial lawsuit as Attorney General of Missouri, argued Murthy v. Missouri represented one of the most consequential cases to date as it pertains to censorship, speech rights, and social media platforms — and the federal government's relationship to all three.
  • "This lawsuit exposed an unprecedented 'censorship enterprise' in which Biden White House officials relentlessly pressured social media companies to remove posts or accounts and more strictly censor speech related to certain topics. Court documents unveiled a coordinated effort by executive branch employees, most notably Dr. Anthony Fauci, to discredit the "lab-leak theory" that the origins of COVID-19 stemmed from gain-of-function research in Wuhan, China. After Fauci's extensive efforts to discredit and suppress that theory, Facebook expanded its content moderation to censor posts suggesting COVID-19 might have been man-made. Documents obtained by the House Select Subcommittee on Weaponization of the Federal Government paint an even clearer picture." 
Big Government and Big Tech won this round. However, the issue of free speech rights in the age of Big Tech will not disappear — if anything, it will become more urgent as a growing share of public discourse migrates into the digital sphere.  

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"Biden Officials Pushed to Remove Age Limits for Trans Surgery, Documents Show," declares a headline from The New York Times

Staff working under trans activist and Assistant Secretary for Health in the Department of Health and Human Services, Admiral Rachel Levine, lobbied the World Professional Association for Transgender Health to jettison age restrictions for transgender surgeries and other therapies. 
  • "One excerpt from an unnamed member of the WPATH guideline development group recalled a conversation with Sarah Boateng, then serving as Admiral [Rachel] Levine's chief of staff: 'She is confident, based on the rhetoric she is hearing in D.C., and from what we have already seen, that these specific listings of ages, under 18, will result in devastating legislation for trans care. She wonders if the specific ages can be taken out.' Another email stated that Admiral Levine 'was very concerned that having ages (mainly for surgery) will affect access to care for trans youth and maybe adults, too. Apparently the situation in the U.S.A. is terrible and she and the Biden administration worried that having ages in the document will make matters worse. She asked us to remove them.'" 
Levine previously insisted these surgeries are "safe" and "medically necessary" for children.
  • "'Accredited medical professional groups agree that gender-affirming care is medically necessary, safe, and effective for trans and non-binary youth,' Levine tweeted in response to an interview between former late night host Jon Stewart and Arkansas Attorney General Leslie Rutledge." 
The Daily Wire reported in February how "The Department of Health and Human Services said it has only two pages of literature supporting Assistant Secretary Rachel Levine's assessment that 'gender-affirming care' is 'necessary' for transgender youth."
  • "Protect the Public's Trust (PPT), a nonprofit watchdog, filed a Freedom of Information Act request for 'records of scientific evidence, studies, and/or data to support the Assistant Secretary's claim that 'gender-affirming care is medically necessary, safe, and effective for trans and non-binary youth,'' as well as for 'records of surveys of medical professionals regarding the value and importance of 'gender-affirming care' for minor children.' In response, HHS produced only a single document—a two-page PDF called 'Gender-Affirming Care and Young People .' The document is also on HHS' website and is not a scientific study, but rather a brochure that declares that 'research demonstrates that gender-affirming care improves the mental health and overall well-being of gender-diverse children.'" 
Activists claim they have the best interest of America's kids at heart, but the reality is they are deliberately pressuring kids to engage in behavior that will permanently damage their bodies for political purposes. 


"DHS identifies over 400 migrants brought to the U.S. by an ISIS-affiliated human smuggling network," declares a headline from NBC News.
  • "One of the U.S. officials said people affiliated with ISIS are operating as human smugglers in Central Asia and helping people there leave their countries and travel to the West, where they are then smuggled into the U.S. It is not known whether the human smuggling activity directly funds ISIS activity or whether ISIS members are making personal money through human smuggling on the side, the U.S. official said.  The official added that the U.S. has no indication that the more than 400 migrants brought to the U.S. by the network have plans to carry out terrorism in the U.S., but immigration agents are looking to arrest them out of an abundance of caution." 
While touring the southern border near Tucson, Arizona yesterday, DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas denied the reporting from NBC News
  • "Mayorkas' denial about the NBC reporting comes at a time in which the DHS and Mayorkas are facing heat from Republicans and even some in his own party on the issue of border security. He was impeached earlier this year via a House Republican effort and accused of not going ahead with 'action to fulfill his statutory duty to control the border' in articles of impeachment." 
Venezuela's Tren De Aragua criminal gang has infiltrated the United States, taking advantage of the border chaos under President Joe Biden, NBC News reports: 
  • "Last month, HSI busted an alleged sex trafficking scheme in Louisiana, where members of the gang allegedly forced Venezuelan migrant women into sex work to repay the smugglers who brought them to the U.S. In a federal affidavit, two of the women described how they were trafficked by three alleged gang members who had entered the U.S. within the past year. All three suspects had been intercepted by Border Patrol after they entered Texas illegally but had then been released into the U.S."


President Biden's latest student loan program has been put on pause, "as two federal judges sided with multiple Republican states in ruling that only Congress holds the authority to erase student debt," National Review reports. 
  • "SAVE would have canceled at least $156 billion in student-loan debt, transferring it to taxpayers, according to Kansas's lawsuit. Missouri's lawsuit estimated that the 'forgiveness' plan would have cost American taxpayers $475 billion over the next decade." 
Biden previously bragged about openly defying the Supreme Court, after the Court struck down the President's original student loan "forgiveness" plan. 
  • "Speaking in Culver City, Calif., on Wednesday, Mr. Biden said his original plan to 'provide millions of working families with debt relief for their college student debt' was derailed by 'MAGA Republicans' and 'special interests' who challenged the plan in court. 'The Supreme Court blocked it,' Mr. Biden added, 'but that didn't stop me.'" 
President Biden had the opportunity to work with Congress on legislative solutions to actually fix the student loan issues so future borrowers would not find themselves in a precarious situation. Instead, like on many other issues, he chose to go it alone.  


The National Transportation Safety Board is accusing the railroad company Norfolk Southern of allegedly interfering with the Board's probe into the East Palestine train derailment, The Associated Press reports.
  • "At the end of the meeting, NTSB Chair Jennifer Homendy accused Norfolk Southern of interfering with the investigation and abusing its status as a party to the probe to help gather information. 'Norfolk Southern's abuse of the party process was unprecedented and reprehensible,' she said." 
The Associated Press additionally reported:
  • "The NTSB also confirmed at Tuesday's hearing that the February 2023 derailment was caused by a wheel bearing that video showed was on fire for more than 20 miles (32.19 kilometers) beforehand but wasn't caught in time by inaccurate trackside detectors. The board also approved more than two dozen recommendations to prevent similar disasters, including establishing federal rules for those detectors and the way railroads respond to them along with reviewing how officials decide whether to ever conduct a vent and burn again." 
The head of the NTSB informed Ohio Senator JD Vance that the railcar burn in East Palestine wasn't required to avoid the situation from further escalating, according to local media reports
  • "NTSB Chair Jennifer L. Homendy told Vance that rapidly increasing temperatures and 'some sort of infusion of oxygen' would have been needed to make the rail cars explode, neither of which which was happening. She said the Norfolk Southern contractors lacked a scientific basis to support their conclusion the burn was needed." 
A higher concentration of hazardous toxins wound up polluting the air in the weeks following the derailment, NBC News reported.
  • "According to the study, levels of a chemical irritant called acrolein detected near the derailment site on Feb. 20 and 21 were up to six times higher than normal levels recorded before the disaster. But local and federal officials had told residents it was safe to return home on Feb. 8." 


"16 Nobel Prize-winning economists warn that Trump's economic plans could reignite inflation," declares a headline from CBS News.
  • "'Many Americans are concerned about inflation, which has come down remarkably fast. There is rightly a worry that Donald Trump will reignite this inflation, with his fiscally irresponsible budgets,' according to a letter signed by the economists, who include Joseph Stiglitz, a Columbia University professor who won the Nobel prize for economics in 2001; and Yale professor Robert Shiller, who won the Nobel prize for economics in 2013." 
CBS News additionally reported:
  • "Deporting immigrants could shrink the labor force, creating more competition for U.S. workers and pushing up wages, also adding to inflationary pressure, economists warn." 
When President Trump was elected President in November 2016, this same cast of characters also warned that the former President's domestic agenda would be a net negative for the economy. The day after the election, New York Times columnist Paul Krugman lamented how Trump could potentially bring about a global recession. 
  • "'Now comes the mother of all adverse effects — and what it brings with it is a regime that will be ignorant of economic policy and hostile to any effort to make it work,' Krugman wrote. 'So we are very probably looking at a global recession, with no end in sight. I suppose we could get lucky somehow. But on economics, as on everything else, a terrible thing has just happened.'" 
Ian Bremmer, President of the Eurasia Group, warned at the time "the world is heading into a profound (and longer term) geopolitical recession. A Trump presidency means the most significant hit to American power and leadership globally than any other event since the collapse of the Soviet Union."

Meanwhile, new polling from Quinnipiac University suggests the American people continue to trust the former President more on the economy than they do the current one. For those voters who say the economy is their most important issue, Trump wins those voters by an almost 30 point margin over Biden.  


  • A Winning Strategy For Trump In Michigan, "Targeting messaging and a restrained style on a handful of issues will bring over the state's swing voters." (Link)
  • Jamaal Bowman Failed Politics 101, "Bowman lost because he failed to grasp what politics is about." (Link
  • Arizona Fails Detransitioners, "Governor Katie Hobbs vetoes a bill that would have expanded coverage for those harmed by "gender-affirming care." (Link
  • President Biden's Misguided Policy Toward The Houthis Hurts Americans, "Until Biden corrects course and imposes a real cost on the terrorist group, we should expect prices to continue to rise and more Americans to be put at risk." (Link
  • Which Joe Biden Will Show Up To Debate Trump?, "The Biden that will be most problematic for Democrats is the real Biden — the gibberish-speaking, confused-looking old man that he is." (Link