Thursday, June 27, 2024

Gary Bauer: End Of Day - 6-26-24

Deep State Deception

Do you remember the shocking photo of classified documents scattered all over the floor of Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago home? Of course, you do. It was supposed to shock you.

There were colored cover sheets indicating the level of classification of the documents, with many labeled "Top Secret." The media went nuts over how recklessly Trump had mishandled classified information.

Well, there's just been another disturbing revelation about those documents.

Initially, Special Counsel Jack Smith told the court that the colored cover sheets were found during the raid. But, according to investigative journalist Julie Kelly, Smith later said that FBI agents brought the cover sheets with them, "only to use as 'placeholders,' indicating where a classified record was found."

Well, the picture implies that the FBI found the documents all over the floor.

Now, Smith just admitted in new court filings that FBI agents photographed the documents for evidence "next to the box in which they were found." And, by the way, the FBI turned off all the security cameras during the raid.

So, let's summarize:

  • Smith misled the court about the origin of the cover sheets as well as their use.
  • Trump wasn't the one who scattered classified documents all over the floor.
  • The FBI did that.
  • Then it leaked the photo, which is evidence in a federal trial, as propaganda to smear Trump.

The left accuses Donald Trump of wanting to be a dictator. But this is how dictators and totalitarian regimes operate! And, unfortunately, as you're about to read, there's more.

Compromised Intelligence

As I outlined yesterday, we know the FBI interfered in the 2016 election to damage Donald Trump by running wild with the Russia collusion hoax, a campaign dirty trick concocted by Hillary Clinton and aided by Obama's CIA.

We know the FBI interfered in the 2020 election by pressuring social media companies to censor the truth about Hunter Biden's laptop, even though the FBI knew it was not Russian "disinformation."

We know then-Biden campaign aide Antony Blinken (now secretary of state) recruited former CIA Acting Director Michael Morell to write the letter signed by dozens of intelligence experts discrediting the Hunter Biden laptop story as a Russian disinformation operation.

Joe Biden used Morell's letter to dismiss concerns about the laptop when Trump brought it up in the 2020 presidential debate. The media used Morell's letter to shut down any discussion about the laptop.

Now the House Judiciary Committee has released a shocking report detailing just how deeply involved the CIA was in the laptop coverup. It turns out that Michael Morell and other signers of that letter were on the CIA's payroll as contractors when he wrote it.

Not only that, the CIA's top leadership knew about the letter, and they fast-tracked its approval in advance so Biden could have his "talking point" in time for the debate.

Just so we're clear, the 2020 Biden campaign colluded with CIA contractors to censor the truth in order to mislead American voters.

The CIA is supposed to destabilize and undermine our foreign enemies. But now we have further proof that our intelligence community is so compromised by left-wing activists that they ran disinformation campaigns against the American people in the last two elections to destabilize and undermine our country.

This makes Watergate look like child's play. That's the real threat to democracy!