Wednesday, March 16, 2011

When Republicans Beat Their Drum, Our Nation Will Be Saved

Guest Columnist Terry T. Beatley,

An older black pastor recently asked me, “Why don’t Republicans beat their own drum? How come they can’t get their message into the black community?” In other words, how can we teach the principles of freedom to the very people who have suffered the most under the consequences of Democrat Party progressivism- the black American family? How can conservative Republicans take back our country from the liberal left? How can we once again experience landslide victories with leaders as principled as Ronald Reagan before we morph into a communist Corinth?

This is the answer. Disseminating the truth about Planned Parenthood’s federally funded black genocide agenda opens the doors to teach about black American Republican political history that’s been removed from textbooks and the annals of history. In so doing, we will save lives, liberty, heal the racial divide and cripple the Democrat Party. Making a gigantic leap toward breaking generational government dependence and poverty, the Republican Party will restore dignity, justice and righteousness to a country that calls good evil and evil good. Investing the time, sharing the information and forging relationships to prove that we care will dismantle the minority stronghold of the Democrat Party and as votes transfer to fiscally and socially conservative Republicans, our nation will be saved from the advancing socialists’ agenda.

If Matthew Fontaine Maury, Pathfinder of the Sea, was still of alive, he would probably tell us the answer to our Republican “marketing-the-message” dilemma is in Scripture. In the 1800’s, Psalm 8 revealed to him that there were paths in the seas. Pursuing this promise, he discovered ocean currents. Consequently, he shrunk the world, expanded economies, sped up travel and the distribution of goods and services, as well as, helped prove to future generations that God’s word provides answers.

Could it provide the answers we need to solve our Republican marketing-the-message dilemma? God clearly states in Hosea 4:6 that “My people perish for lack of knowledge.” I question what would happen if the majority of the minorities learned about the seventy years of missing black Republican political history. Speaking of perishing, 40% of African American babies are aborted- 60% in New York City and with statistics like these, the most dangerous place for a black person to be is in his mother’s womb. This tragedy is not by accident, but is the result of federally funded social policy agendas of Secular Humanists and Marxists…in other words, worldviews that make killing people incredibly justifiable; worldviews that collide with the Judeo/Christian worldview of our Founders. It’s the agenda of federally funded Planned Parenthood…modern day Klu Klux Klan. So what happens when we love our neighbor enough to expose this evil? (Ephesians 5:11)

It bears tremendous fruit. After I shared with the first black minister, he stated, “I will never vote for a pro-choice candidate again.” Now that the door was opened to talk politics and after disclosing the facts about black Republican history, he shared with the Virginia Speaker of the House, Bill Howell, that he had “to repent for voting for the wrong political party all of his life. He just didn’t know.” Another pastor confessed to “having to repent for removing herself from government for twenty years.” (translated: only voting for Democrat candidates) Black Americans respond when we reach out in love, friendship and truth, not political short-term gimmicks. It’s about relationships and honesty. My experience from working with downtown Richmond, Virginia inner-city pastors to rural area pastors and congregations, they so appreciate the information and many are willing to align their votes with their values. Anything less is a vote to annihilate their race and hinder liberty.

So if saving lives and liberty is the sincere motivation of spreading truth to minorities, conservative Republicans can dismantle and cripple the Democrat Party one drum beat at a time. No tomahawks required. The United States of America will experience a providential victory: “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.” Psalm 33:12

Republicans, let the drum roll begin from sea to shining sea.