Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A Prayer That God Will Not Let Us Fail

Dear Father,

Tonight, I have chosen a theme for our prayer, which I pray, will help steel our courage and sustain our hope for a better future for our children and grandchildren.

To do this Father – I wish, to simply acknowledge a few of your greatest works that occurred in this month of March –

Not just in founding our nation, but giving us a world brought forth out of the dark age – into a renaissance of light, knowledge and beauty through the extraordinary works inspired by you.

First, Father –

In the realm of beauty – on March 6, 1945 – You gave the world Michelangelo – an Italian genius who wrought with his hands so many of the most acclaimed feats of art, architecture and design known to mankind – including the greatest artistic interpretations of Your creations and the Last Supper in the Sistine Chapel – as well as the sculptures of Pieta and David.

Michelangelo worked Your will – he helped give birth to that historical period of enlightenment called – “The Renaissance.”

Next Father –

It was from the knowledge that sprang fro “Your Renaissance” – in the realm of the study of governments – that 300 years later in 1776 – gave us a nation – gave us our Declaration of Independence from tyranny and launched our miraculous struggle against the world’s greatest superpower empire.

Father – You gave us a nation and a body of laws envied the world over – which are now at great risk – having been bled of vitality and abused over many decades of progressive, ever more liberal and inept leadership –

But before You directed us to that huge task of forging a nation – You saw fit to anticipate our need for one of our greatest thinker and greatest leaders –

You gave life to a child – here in Virginia – who would grow into a man of tremendous wisdom and learning just when we needed him.

You gave us – James Madison – on March 6, 1751.

A man who outlived all the other Founding Fathers, who co-authored the Federalist Papers, who fathered and wrote the Constitution, who wrote the Bill of Rights –

And Father, many believe – that here in our nation and great Commonwealth – Mr. Madison is not yet given the full measure he deserves as your main instrument for infusing your wisdom on how best to govern –

We are always mindful, Father, of such history –

That once before You gave your people a huge task – You gave Moses a book chiseled in stone with which to lead his people – those tablets still stand as the greatest book of laws for all time.

Next, Father –

In the realm of courage –

We celebrate this month – on the 6th day – the Battle of the Alamo in 1836 – which inspired the rejection of Mexican ambitions for Texas which led to its statehood in 1845 – and eventually established our southern border – which is still under attack by Mexican killers, smugglers and illegals.

In great measure –

That battle to the death by 186 of the bravest of the brave – against 4,000 Mexican troops –

Confirmed what was ordained for us at Yorktown in 1781 –

That this nation, under Your hand, would continue on its path to achieving freedom for all –

That path lead soon enough to a great civil war battlefield in Pennsylvania – where a tall man – in a tall hat – named Lincoln – prayed in 1865 –

“That government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”

Father – we know now – that we must re-engage in that struggle for freedom – if we are to regain Your path to fulfill our national legacy –

It is up to us – no one else – we must not fail –

Yet, Father – some of us are fearful – as we see our congressional leaders dithering and compromising our essential values and principles, interpreting the desire of the American people to have a balanced budget to meant that they have the freedom to engage in childish haggling and negotiations over whether to cut –

A mere 3.7% or 61 billion dollars

3.7% of $1,000.00 = $37.00

Or a laughable amount of 0.28$ or 4.7 billion dollars

0.28% of $1,000.00 = $2.80

From this year’s projected $1.65 trillion federal deficit

One of these leaders, Mr. Cantor, represents many in this room tonight –

Father – many of us are afraid that we may fail your great experiment in freedom and government –

That we may fail – to sustain our Founder’s legacy –

Unless we stand up,

Unless we learn our history,

Unless we pay attention,

Unless we speak out forcefully, to McConnell, Boehner and Cantor in Washington,

Unless we march and demonstrate,

Unless we join with others to reject the indentured servitude of progressive liberalism,

Unless we carry our battle into the polls in November,

Unless we restore our liberty, our freedom and our faith in God,

If we do these things Father, we pray that You will not let us fail.

In Jesus’ name we pray,


Jerry Gore

MCRW Chaplain