Sunday, July 12, 2020

AFP Skyline Region Event Calendar

The summer heat is upon us!  And, as summer continues, our pandemic challenge continues as well.  Hope your staying well and cool.


Americans for Prosperity continues our online, virtual presentations for July.  You can view online or call into the presentation via phone.  And, we have a summer favorite to announce too!


July Events:


AFP Online Presentation:  "Public Union Threat to Virginia"

Tuesday, July 14 @ 7:00pm

Learn why collective bargaining is the #1 economic threat to local Virginia municipalities.  In Virginia, the Left focused on Medicaid expansion and guns under Northam.  Now they are ramming unions down to the local level.  Eye opening information and how AFP will be mobilizing soon to stop them.

View online:

Phone Call Info:  Dial (646)558-8656 Meeting ID: 91317508415#


AFP Online Presentation:  "Going Viral"

Tuesday, July 28 @ 7:00pm

Learn the growing importance of online policy advocacy.  And, learn how to use social media skills to become an effective digital activist.

View online:

Phone Call Info:  (312)626-6799  Meeting ID:  96832308732#


Big Announcement!


Coming in August…

The 6th Annual AFP Skyline Barbecue for Freedom

Our annual gathering of activists from the Skyline Region. 

Stay tuned for the specific date and location.





Flint Engleman

Grassroots Engagement Director

Americans for Prosperity-Virginia | Skyline Region

(540)226-4591 |