Monday, July 13, 2020

“Houston” and Every Other State, City, Town, Burg, Block and House In America... “We Have A Problem”

By Kim Smith


Revolution, the second Civil War, protests, rioting, anarchy….whatever we call it, it is a battle royal and WE must be engaged.


Of the seven articles that appeared early July 7th, from non-traditional sources, two sentences sum up quite well where we are:  "Burning, looting, theft, rioting, destroying our monuments, our churches, our schools (already taken care of), our military, our police, and our economy are only part of their plan to bring us to our knees.  For God's sake, stop being stupid and open your eyes."


The goal, simply stated, is to destroy America as we know (and love) it and replace it with socialism/communism where freedom and liberty would be simply concepts in the rearview mirror and our lives would be inalterably changed.  We know about the military, where many of the finest were "retired" during the last Administration, although President Trump is doing yeoman's work to restore it to its position of strength and honor.


We know about our schools, where curriculum has been drastically altered, history has been "revised", civics is a "what's that", and even math is "whatever you can justify".  Our children no longer know our mostly honorable history; they no longer have a clue of the thousands of years of experience and thought that gave rise to concepts of freedom, liberty, equality and rule of law.


We know that our religious freedoms are on the front line of the enemies' attacks (and yes, they are officially our enemies).  Now, it appears that statues of Jesus are under attack, and those of saints are literally being beheaded with chainsaws.


Our history, already massacred by Boards of "Educations'" selection of textbooks and teachers – who are stuck with the books purchased – and professors who have drunk the Kool-Aid, is being changed, possibly irrevocably, as is evidenced by EVERYTHING being viewed through the lens of the here and now.  Gone is context of time, place, social mores; gone is respect for the lessons of what needed to be changed and the all-important WHY.  The first in the assault line has been the Confederate monuments, testimony to what happened over 150 years ago.  Christopher Columbus has bit the dust.  Sites are now set on George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and others of our Founders.  Apparently, Mt. Rushmore is also a target – based on its purported association with "white supremacy".


The who/what is easily discerned:  Black Lives Matter, Antifa, Marxist ideology, corporations who buy into this while totally ignoring the horrors of ethnic and 'relentless human rights abuses' from countries such as China.  Attorney General William Barr summarized it well when he characterized it as a "witches' brew of extremists, with varying ideologies, including anarchists and those seeking to incite a civil war".


Does racial equality appear to have any place in this dialogue even though it's the expressed reason for these groups?  No.  The destruction that has taken place should be enough of a testimonial to that answer.  We can look, too, to the destruction of monuments such as that of Frederick Douglass, perhaps one of the most noted abolitionists who began life as a slave.  Or the assault on a statue in Massachusetts of the first black regiment.  But, of course, history is no longer taught, so how would these miscreants know?   Aunt Jemima has been relegated to our memories – the first black millionaire in the 1800's.


Robert Woodson, President of the Woodson Center and sponsor of the 1776 Project (which everyone should learn about in contrast to the bogus NYT 1619 Project taught in many of our schools), wrote an article, "Black Lives Matter's Silence on a Champion of Racial Equality" – Martin Luther King, Jr.  As Dr. Woodson noted, "King's quest for equality and his legacy are inconvenient for today's vigilantes because his efforts contrasted sharply with theirs – both with regard to their goal and means."   He refers to them as "racial-grievance opportunists [who] portray blacks as impotent victims" while they can continue their rampage of plunder.


The how is also easy to identify – money.  We've shared at length the role of money in Virginia's politics – and the same characters are here.  Soros has doubled his contribution to the effort to unseat President Trump – to $40 billion ($5.5 billion of his direct money; $35 million through his Fund for Policy Reform – part of his Open Society's extensive network of non-profits.)  Fellow traveler Tom Steyer has already pumped $40 million into the 2020 elections.  Who knows what Emily's List and Bloomberg are up to (but we'll find out)?  We have Priorities USA Action, the Win Justice coalition and so many others.  This funds the plan for year-round organizing in seven other states and VIRGINIA.


And with the assaults/killing of our police officers, and a major platform of BLM to "Defund the Police", we need look no further than the Soros money – and its effects – on securing the election of both Commonwealths Attorneys and Sheriffs who are "weak on crime".  We need look no further than Fairfax and Arlington to see the impact – or to the manner in which so many jurisdictions are treating thieves, arsonists, and looters.


Jarrett Stepman wrote an interesting article, "No, the French Revolution Was Not a Good Thing" in which he observed that those living in CHOP in Seattle asked what happened to those who did not get on board with the French Revolution.  The answer was "chopped".  This, of course, referred to the guillotine (one of which appeared in front of Bezo's house).  The problem for the French Revolution participants was that they got chopped, too.


All politics might be local, but all political elections are increasingly national.  It's no longer enough to just VOTE.  We either ACT to preserve the one country left with an ongoing goal of creating "a more perfect union" or we get "chopped".