WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Family Research Council President Tony Perkins applauded the decision handed down today by the U.S. Supreme Court in the case of Our Lady of Guadalupe School v. Morrissey-Berru, in which a teacher responsible for leading students in prayer and religious preparation sued a Catholic School that desired to discontinue working with her.
Family Research Council President Tony Perkins released the following statement:
Travis Weber, Vice President for Policy and Government Affairs at Family Research Council, added: "It is not the government's role to dictate who may teach the faith to the next generation. I'm glad the Supreme Court properly recognized the spheres of authority separating Church and State and protected this school's ability to determine who will teach the faith to the children under their care.""We are pleased that the Supreme Court has decided to uphold First Amendment free exercise of religion in this case. The ability to curate who provides religious instruction is fundamental to the free exercise of any religiously-informed institution.
"Despite the egregious decision in the recently-decided Bostock v. Clayton County case, today's First Amendment decision suggests that religious institutions still have a prayer of preserving and promoting their biblical teachings when it comes to employment decisions. This tiny step is far from sufficient, but it does offer a glimmer of hope that the Supreme Court has not forgotten that religious freedom is the most fundamental right of all," concluded Perkins.