You see, if there is no integrity in our elections then YOUR vote doesn't matter.
The most egregious treason in American history us rapidly unraveling!
Corruption news below is raging everywhere except in the mainstream media!
Trump Won And The Courts Agree 3:04
Democrats Cannot Win Elections They Don't Steal 0:49
Wisconsin Official Fighting State Electors To Secure Elections 8:49
All Votes Do Not Count 0:41
40% Of Pennsylvania Ballots In The 2020 Election Were Unconstitutional 3:19
*No More Mail-In Ballots In Pennsylvania 2:44
The Top 5 Scenarios To Reinstate Trump & Save Our Country, Our Children & The World! 20:00
======================= General ============================
Good election integrity news sites I have found to be timely and valuable:
[Forwarded from Virginia Audit Channel]
the Wisconsin Legislature, pursuant to its authority under Article II, Section 1, Clause 2 of the U.S.
Constitution and 3 U.S.C. ss2, and consistent with guidance provided by the Constitutional Counsel Group,
acknowledge that illegality took place in conducting the 2020 general election and reclaim Wisconsin's 10
fraudulent electoral ballots cast for Joseph R. Biden and Kamala Harris.
==================== Cleta Mitchell ===========================
New York Congresswoman Claudia Tenney is an attorney and small business owner who has first-hand experience with liberal partisan gerrymandering and interference in ballot integrity in her district at the hands of the left's chief election disrupter, the George Soros-funded Democrat attorney Marc Elias.
Rep. Tenney's district has also been targeted by "Zuckerbucks." Adamantly opposed to any attempts by liberals to federalize elections, Rep. Tenney founded the House Election Integrity Caucus — designed to both inform voters about the falsehoods and disinformation about election legislation pushed by Democrats in this Congress and their far-left allies, as well as to advocate for narrowly tailored legislation such as the "End Zuckerbucks Act" which would end tax-deductibility of private funds such as those used in 2020 to turn election offices into Democratic turnout machines.
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Cleta's Blog: It's time for you to get involved in the election process The Democrats and their leftwing zealot allies are in a lather because citizens are becoming engaged in the election process in their local areas, across the country. As they did in Virginia in 2021, citizens are realizing that their presence is necessary in the election offices – not just during voting, as watchers, but every day, throughout the year: attending election board meetings, researching what's going on in the election offices, learning how elections are conducted in their home areas. This is a top priority of CPI's Election Integrity Network, which I chair. It is why we have published the Citizens Guide to Building an Election Integrity Infrastructure, which can be downloaded from this website. Citizens Guide - Election Integrity Network |
========================= VFAF Weekly Newsletter ==========================
1/28/22 UPDATE: Every one of the good bills below was voted down by Democrats that clearly learned nothing from the 11/2/21 Democrat HoD blodbath - Clean them all out next year!
Thank you for being apart of the America First movement for the state of Virginia. You are making a difference!
Join us every Tuesday at 7:30 for our weekly updates and strategy call. Dial - (857) 799-9033. No access code needed.
Election Integrity Bills in Committee
While it is true the Senate is still under Democrat control 19-21, and the likelihood of passage will face an up-hill battle, we must still persist. We need you to show up, make phone calls and email the legislators that serve on the listed committees. If these issues are important to you, PLEASE make your voice known.
Please contact Senator Amanda Chase's Executive Assistant Debbie at if you would like to speak or testify on one of these bills. Of course, we need people who will simply show up to support.
Tuesday, January 25: ( 10 bills)
SB133 Voters Ballot Security; Should Be Able to Track Their Ballot with a QR Code and Without Compromising Their Personal Information aka Rep Mark Finchem's Arizona Ballot Integrity Project
SB234 Stop Mail-In Absentee Ballots from Being Automatically Mailed to Voters
SB235 No Same Day Registration at Polling Locations
SB236 No More Voter Ballot Drop Off Boxes
SJ7 We Need Term Limits
SB459 Election Registrars Must Have Regular Performance Evaluations and Have No Close Family Member Work for a Candidate or Elected Official
SB460 All Ballots Must Be Received By Close of Election Day. Period.
SB552 Mail-In Ballots Will Require Both an Excuse and Notary Signature
SB588 List of Registered Voters Should be Provided at Cost to Any Registered Voter
SB605 Full Forensic Audit
Senate Privileges and Elections Committee Senators
Deeds(Chair), Howell, Vogel, Reeves, Ebbin, Ruff, Spruill, Peake, McDougle,
Surovell, Mason, McClellan, Boysko, Bell, Hackworth
Tuesday, Senate Room 3, The Capitol, 15 minutes after adjournment
Approximately 1:30 or lateror call
(434) 381-4099
thank you for your help
Joshua Pratt
Hi all,
Senator Bill Stanley's bill to prohibit the private financing of elections moved forward on Friday. A substitute passed committee and was engrossed by the Senate (i.e., printed for final vote).
From Middle Resolution:
An election bill that our Virginia Fair Elections Coalition is backing is being patroned by Senator Bill Stanley.... SB80 seeks to eliminate the private funding of elections in Virginia. The Center for Tech and Civic Life, exclusively funded by Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg, granted $3.7 million dollars to 38 counties or cities in Virginia in 2020. Inserting funding from Zuckerberg into Virginia's election is disconcerting at best. Private funding of elections only leads to a continued mistrust of public elections and a concern that our elections are not truly free nor fair....
One criticism of the bill is that it only prevents elections officials from taking private grant money. In contrast, a Zuckerbucks bill in Kentucky extends to all government officials. orig_bill.pdf (
Update on election fraud bills in the U.S. Congress from Liberty Counsel Action:
From Amber Haskew:
HR 5746 - Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act will give U.S. Senate candidates up to 1.8 billion dollars of matching government reelection funds for their campaign. To put this into perspective, if senators spend 5 million dollars per day, it would take them a year (360 days) to spend this new government money coming into their campaign! At the same time, Sens. Manchin and Sinema are under incredible funding pressure and attacks from inside their own party. We cannot dismiss the possibility this bill still has of passing.
Behind the scenes, I believe Democrats are continuing to push for this bill. One reason is that when it was clear that the most recent vote would fail, Democrat Senate Majority Leaders Chuck Schumer flipped his vote to AGAINST this bill. This parliamentarian trick keeps this bill alive and allows him to bring it up at any time in the future.
In addition, at any point if radicals can find a moment (even at 4 AM) that Republicans are not on the U.S. Senate floor, they can pass HR 5746 (and many other wish-list items) with a simple unanimous voice vote of those present. Our staff on Capitol Hill have been asking, and continue to urge, our Senators to take shifts so that while gaveled into session the Senate floor is never empty of Republicans. It will take vigilance to monitor both of these attacks at the federal level.
If you wish, we have a petition available to those who wish to oppose this federal takeover of elections to senators here:
Text of the latest version of the bill:
Summary of the bill (HR 5746):
· Force states to automatically register people as voters.
· Require online and same-day voter registration.
· Ban photo ID.
· Demand early voting at least 15 days before Election Day.
· Create federal approval for congressional redistricting plans that assess and prioritize voters by race.
· Prohibit any attempt to verify a person's eligibility to vote
· For any gift over 200 dollars, the government will match this with 6 dollars for every 1 dollar for presidential and congressional election campaigns.
· It would create a public financing voucher pilot program in three states, under which each eligible voter could donate 25 dollars in public funding credit to House candidates.
· Force states to allow food and nonalcoholic beverages at polling locations, even if it includes candidate logos and branding.
· Expose private information from large campaign donors.
· Effectively restore preclearance requirements giving the Department of Justice final control over every precinct and polling place.
· Give the DOJ federal authority to assign election observers to watch everything inside the precinct and demand "compliance" with the DOJ's politically biased views of voting according to their buddies on the Democrat National Committee.
· Require states and localities to review and identify any practices that could impact the ability to vote based on race, color or language minority group and submit to the DOJ.
· And so, so much more!
The Republican National Committee is hosting three online virtual trainings on Leadership and Election Integrity Training starting Saturday, January 29. These are great refresher courses for both Election Officers and Poll Watchers. Fairfax GOP will provide additional ongoing training opportunities throughout 2022, with the primary sessions starting in late August/early September.
Registration required. Please click the link 5 minutes before starting time to join virtually:
Monday, January 31 - 6:00 p.m.
Wednesday, February 2 - 6:00 p.m.
The Republican Plot to Steal the Presidency
The Third Way - a group billing itself as 'center-left' - is pushing the idea the GOP is out to steal the 2024 election. Senators Joe Machin and Kyrsten Sinema are among the honorary co-chairs. In short, the Republicans are suppressing the vote, installing 'Big Lie' vote counters (i.e., getting more Republican election workers and poll watchers), threatening election officials, 'seizing' legislative control, and sabotaging the electoral college. The complete presentation (41 slides) is on the website.
Prosecutors in multiple states are investigating false Electoral College submissions
During the chaotic two months following the 2020 presidential election, groups of Republicans in seven states won by Joe Biden met and signed documents falsely asserting that Donald Trump was or may be the rightful recipient of their state's Electoral College votes.
The efforts, which in many cases seem to have been coordinated by high-ranking members of Trump's campaign team, weren't successful. Congress did not accept any of the illegitimate results on Jan. 6, 2021.
But the actions by those groups across the U.S. still may have been illegal.
Attorneys general in at least two of the seven states where the Republicans met, Michigan and New Mexico, say they have referred investigations regarding the separate slates of electors up the ladder to federal prosecutors.....
Trouble Ahead - Summary of the Gateway Pundit Series on ERIC
Synopsis of:
"Who's "Cleaning" Our Voter Rolls? Soros Founded and Funded ERIC Is Now Used In 31 States"
By Jim Hoft
Gateway Pundit
*in 2012 the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC) was formed as a membership organization primarily for blue States. ERIC is essentially a left wing voter registration drive disguised as voter roll clean up
*The ERIC database is comprehensive and would be one of the most coveted by bad actors looking to influence an election.
*What's odd, and seemingly corrupt, is that ERIC does NOT want to know who is voting illegally.
*Member States are currently using ERIC to hide their list maintenance data, citing it violates their ERIC contracts, even though Federal law mandates it be made public.
*ERIC was funded by an "anonymous" donor and The Pew Center On The States. This grant was provided by the George Soros Open Society.
*The Left activists sued Cross Check (a competing voter registering database) participant States, particularly Indiana, and got court orders to basically shut down Cross Check.
*Soros funded the Brennan Center for Justice and the Advancement Project. These two groups became the loudest voices in opposing election integrity and STOPPING any effort that would ensure only U.S. citizens vote.
Synopsis of:
"ERIC Investigation, Part 2: The Largest U.S. Counties Removed Only ZERO to TWO Ineligible Voters From Their Voter Rolls the Last 4 Years"
By Jim Hoft
*ERIC database looks to be as corrupt as we feared. Over the past four years, the largest US Counties have removed ZERO ineligible voters from their voter rolls.
*States are required by federal law (1993 NVRA) to report to Congress how many ineligible voters they removed from their voter rolls.
*10% of Americans move every year. Those counties should generate hundreds of thousands of canceled registrations. There is simply no way to comply with federal law while removing so few outdated registrations
*Judicial Watch sent warning letters to election officials in several states pointing out these impossibly low numbers of corrected voter registration records.
*The NVRA requires states to "conduct a general program that makes a reasonable effort to remove the names of ineligible voters" by reason of death or change of address.
*Judicial Watch continues to sue the states non-complying with NVRA requirements.
Synopsys of:
"ERIC Investigation, Part 3: Soros Open Society and the Founding of the Nation's Largest Voter Roll Clean-Up Operation"
by Jim Hoft
*ERIC was created by the left-leaning activists and politicians and became an instrument of centralized control over the elections.
*In 2020 Judicial Watch found 29 states had huge registration excesses. In 8 states, if you combined all counties, their average registration for the entire State exceeded 100%. Seven of the 8 are long time members of ERIC (Alaska, Colorado, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Rhode Island, and Vermont).
*Colorado, a huge proponent and also an 8 year member of ERIC, had 40 of 64 counties exceeding 100%. They were sued by Judicial Watch for this election fraud.
*The organization is extremely partisan left-wing, and funded by the usual suspects indeed.
Best wishes,
Audit update!
That's right, there are a few unanswered questions left from the Maricopa Audit. The Maricopa Board of Supervisors didn't want to comply with several court orders.
Well, here we go!
I'm Arizona Senator Wendy Rogers, the nation's foremost advocate of audits with an audit update! I am calling for the decertification of electors in stolen states- and now we need your help!
This was one of the last pieces- and one even President Trump himself asked us to pursue. The Freedom Times has the story:
Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers (R) on Friday released an update involving the "Splunk logs and routers", in regards to an agreement that was reached last year in September between the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors and the Arizona State Senate — after the county failed to comply with a subpoena related to the 2020 election audit.
Arizona Senate President Karen Fann (R) had initially sought ballot envelopes or ballot envelope images; user names, passwords, and security keys for election machines; voter records; routers or router images; and Splunk logs, as previously reported by The Freedom Times. Maricopa County officials, however, resisted the Senate subpoena, which then sparked an investigation by Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich.
Senate President Fann released a statement in September, indicating that Maricopa County reached a settlement with the Arizona Senate, where they agreed to the initial demands of the subpoena.
According to a new update shared on Friday by Senator Wendy Rogers, former Congressman John Shadegg (R-AZ), who is serving as the Special Master in the settlement agreement, has released the names of the computer experts who will examine the County's routers and Splunk logs. The experts who will work with the Special Master to answer the questions are Jane Gin, Brad E. Rhodes, and Andrew Keck.
"As agreed, by the parties, the examination of the routers and Splunk logs is for the purpose of answering questions posed by the Senate related to the November 3, 2020, General Election during the time between October 7 and November 20, 2020," the statement read.
Finally! It's about time Maricopa turned over the splunk logs. Now it's time to examine them to see if they were tampered with- and get one step closer to the truth about 2020 in Arizona.
I am relentless in my pursuit of the truth. The 2020 election was stolen, and we all saw it. Now we are getting to the bottom of it.
But boy, the Left and their stooges in the media sure don't like me much for pressing on. The ADL called me the worst person in the world or something.
Me, a mere State Senator???
They are so afraid of the truth, it makes them crazy. They think boys can be girls, they think you need a medical record to buy food, and they think 2020 was an "honest" election.
Garbage, as usual.
Help me push to correct the injustice of the 2020 election. Let's find some truths that will REALLY make them crazy!
I am active in all swing 2020 states with audits and election integrity measures. We are making real progress!
We are suffering, America is hurting, because of the mistake that was 2020. Help me fight for the truth and decertify 2020!
Thank you so much,
For liberty and freedom,
Dewey McDonnell
7th District / RPV State Central Committee member
"Fundamentally transform the Republican Party of Virginia so that only the elected represent us."
540 272-4393