Sunday, April 3, 2022

Delegate Phillip Scott: Weekly Newsletter

Friends, as you know, Governor Youngkin has called the General Assembly back to Richmond for a Special Session. When we adjourned Sine Die on March 12th, there was a great deal of work left to be done due to the Democrats inability to compromise on any issue despite the people's mandate for common sense, conservative governance.
I would be remiss if I did not mention the first implementation of the flexibility my bill, HB 1239, grants to localities to classify for rate purposes certain vehicles that, under current law, may be classified only for valuation purposes, including certain automobiles, trucks, motor vehicles for use by the handicapped, motorcycles, mopeds, all-terrain vehicles, off-road motorcycles, campers, and other recreational vehicles.

In Page County, the Board of Supervisors is reducing the personal property tax rate. This would not have been possible if we did not pass HB 1239 and governor Youngkin did not sign the bill into law this Spring.
This is just the first of many, I campaigned on doing everything I can to keep more of Virginians' hard-earned dollars in their own pockets. That is what I intend to do, fiercely advocate and introduce bills that recognize that government works for you, not the other way around. You know how to spend your money better than the government does, and it's time we change course and recognize that basic fact. 

Special Session

Before we adjourned on March 12th, House Republicans were ready to stay and keep working on the budget and other important legislation that remained in conference. However, Democrats wanted to go home and refused to continue working.
The Governor has now called a Special Session to pass the biennial budget to fund the government. The House position on the budget remains the same as it was on March 12th. We are prioritizing tax relief for hard-pressed Virginia families, through more than $5 billion in tax relief to make life easier for those struggling with skyrocketing gas and food prices. 
Since we adjourned, the Governor has proposed a gas tax holiday that would lower the price of gas by 26 cents per gallon immediately, I fully support this and will fight to get this included in the budget.