Sunday, April 3, 2022

Quote of the Day

"Yesterday morning, Judge David Franzen of Charlottesville was scheduled to have a press conference to call for the tearing down of a War Memorial in Orange on public land adjacent to courthouse property. When the citizens of Orange County caught wind of this they organized a protest that resulted in Judge Franzen cancelling the protest. Obviously, as their State Senator, and someone who has led the charge to preserve our history from Richmond to Charlottesville, I wanted to join them.
"While Judge Franzen held court inside, we peacefully gathered around the statue and made our demands heard. The bench is no place to play politics, it is for dispensing justice. Ultimately, the Board of Supervisors has the power to decide what happens to our statues on public lands, and based off their last election the voters of Orange County have made clear they want them to stay. If Judge Franzen wants to play politics so badly, he should resign from the judiciary and run for office!"

Senator Bryce Reeves
March 29, 2022