Sunday, April 16, 2023

Biden’s Double Standard

Thursday, April 13, 2023

By Gary Bauer

The Biden Administration is doing many outrageous things that make headlines almost every day. But, believe it or not, there are even more troubling and dangerous things that get virtually no attention at all. 

For example, the Biden Justice Department just cut a plea deal with a transgendered pro-abortion radical who attacked a Catholic church and one of the church's employees. This happened after Roe v. Wade was overturned, which led to a surge of hateful, violent attacks against churches and pregnancy resource centers

This deranged individual destroyed statues of the Virgin Mary and other artifacts in the church. He spray-painted vulgar comments all over the church, and caused thousands of dollars of damage. 

When a church employee confronted him, he attacked the employee. When the police arrived, he attacked them and resisted arrest.

Now here's the really shocking part: The Justice Department plea deal does not require this hateful radical to spend even a single day in jail. Not one!

This deal comes as attacks against churches in the first 90 days of the year have skyrocketed. As the left's hostility to faith is increasing, it almost looks as if the Biden Administration is actually encouraging more attacks on churches.

Meanwhile, a pro-life father who protected his son on a public sidewalk outside of an abortion clinic was arrested by a heavily-armed FBI SWAT team. The Biden Justice Department wanted to put him in prison for 11 years!

Trash a church, assault a Christian and attack cops, no jail time. 

Shove a pro-abortion "escort" who is threatening your son, 11 years behind bars.

Create a fake dossier to implicate a conservative president as a traitor causing years of political turmoil, an insignificant fine

A conservative businessman makes a bookkeeping error, 136 years behind bars.

This is what passes for "equal justice" in Joe Biden's neo-Marxist America. 

And just like the riots of 2020 and Antifa's viciousness against conservatives before that, it's another example of the left's tolerance for violence as long as it advances their radical agenda.