Friday, April 28, 2023

The Neo-Marxist Left vs. Parents

By Gary Bauer

There's something bizarre going on in the fevered minds of progressives and leftists these days. I know that doesn't surprise you. 

But consider this: Today's left is demonizing parents who want to protect their children from inappropriate material, while simultaneously trying to prevent young adults from learning the things they should know.

Joe Biden said this week that parents protecting their children from explicit, graphic sexual material in public schools are "banning books." That kind of rhetoric recalls images of Nazis burning books by Jewish authors in the 1930s. 

Get it? Biden wants us to think America's parents are Nazis. Of course, it was Joe Biden who ordered the FBI to spy on concerned parents at school board meetings. Talk about fascism!

Meanwhile, more than 670 professors at the University of North Carolina signed a letter protesting new legislation that would require college students to learn about America's founding documents -- the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, the Gettysburg Address and even the writings of Martin Luther King, Jr. 

These neo-Marxist professors condemned the legislation as "ideological indoctrination."

No, that's exactly what the legislation is trying to combat!

There's no denying the left's efforts to demonize moms and dads who want to keep disgusting sexual material and anti-American material away from the hearts and minds of our children. 

Remember former Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe? He spoke for a lot of liberals when he said parents should have no say over what is taught in the schools we pay for with our tax dollars. 

Yet, progressive politicians haven't learned much from McAuliffe's defeat to Glenn Youngkin. Two left-wing Virginia legislators were caught on an open mic bashing parental rights legislation as "crap," "garbage" and "stupid." 

This is insane! But that's today's left.