Friday, August 25, 2023

Gary Bauer: Trump's Arrest

I was literally physically sick yesterday watching what the neo-Marxist left is doing to Donald Trump and, by extension, what it is doing to all of us. Trump fought the left harder than president in modern memory, and that's why the neo-Marxist left is so determined to crush him.

If one of the UFOs they talked about during the Fox News debate suddenly took Trump away, the left wouldn't change. It would continue doing everything you see happening now, after it finished celebrating that its toughest opponent was gone.

The neo-Marxists have done many un-American things. They attack parental rights, free speech, religious liberty, the Second Amendment right to protect your family, the right to assemble. The list goes on and on. (See below.)

Now they have done the most dangerous and un-American thing of all. They are waging a coordinated, relentless effort to smear the most popular conservative leader, hoping to put him in jail until he dies.

There is only one answer: Every conservative must redouble our efforts on every front of the battle!

Please stand with me now!

Trump Responds

Donald Trump addressed reporters yesterday at the Atlanta airport after his booking at the Fulton County jail. He said:

"This is a really sad day for America. This should never happen. You should be able to challenge an election. I thought it was a rigged, a stolen election and I should have every right to do. As you know, you have many people you've been watching over the years do the same thing whether it's Hillary Clinton or Stacey Abrams or many others. . .


"What has taken place here is a travesty of justice. We did nothing wrong. I did nothing wrong and everybody knows it. . . What they're doing is election inference. . . There's never been anything like it in our country before. This is their way of campaigning."

Trump also returned to Twitter last night, posting, "Election Interference. Never Surrender."

Meanwhile, Joe Biden posted this: "Apropos of nothing, I think today's a great day to give to my campaign."

Really? While his thugs are waging lawfare against the man he fears the most, and many Americans are sick over the Rubicon we have just crossed, Demented Joe thinks it's a great day!