Sunday, September 10, 2023

Carol Bauer: Capital Prayer Alert - 9-10-23

Heavenly Father, you have entrusted the generations to come to us. You gave many of us the opportunity to grow up in a less complicated time when schools shared the priorities and value systems of most parents. Times have changed and we as parents and grandparents must recognize the new reality. 


Open our eyes to see the new priorities driving education. Prompt us to be curious and brave. Help us to be engaging conversationalists with the young ones in our lives.  Give us opportunities to share our wisdom and humor wrapped in love. Open their hearts to hear. 


When the time comes to engage with a teacher, administrator or school board member grant us wisdom, make us articulate and winsome and remind us that we do what we do as parents for our kids who are created in Your image and entrusted to our care.  May we feel Your presence beside us.