Saturday, September 9, 2023

Gary Bauer: Biden Funds Neo-Nazi Hate

One of the most outrageous things Joe Biden did after taking office was to restore funding to the Palestinian Authority. In 2021, Biden sent Mahmoud Abbas $235 million of your hard-earned tax dollars. Last year, it was more than $300 million.

President Donald Trump cut off U.S. funding in part because of the Palestinian Authority's "pay-to-slay" scheme which literally subsidizes terrorism against innocent Israelis and American citizens. To this day, Abbas refuses to end it.

So, what is the "return" on Joe Biden's investment in Abbas for the United States and our ally, Israel? Predictably, it's more hate.

During a recent address, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas defended the Holocaust by denying that Hitler's victims were real Jews, and he quoted Karl Marx, who was also notoriously anti-Semitic, as an authority on the subject of Jewish identity.

Abbas's raw anti-Semitism should come as no surprise to anyone. He's an expert anti-Semite. Seriously. Abbas did his doctoral thesis on Holocaust denial

Abbas's outrageous remarks weren't limited to defending Hitler. The Palestinian dictator, now in the 18th year of his four-year term, also labeled the United States as the true enemy of the Palestinian people. 

Why would Biden give hundreds of millions of our tax dollars to this insane tyrant who hates Jews, hates Israel and hates America? 

While Biden falsely accuses Donald Trump and millions of Americans of being "semi-fascists," he's the one who is literally funding real neo-Nazis and Holocaust deniers in the Middle East!


Make no mistake about it: The effort by Abbas, the United Nations and various radical Islamist groups to claim that Israelis are "occupying Muslim land" and "aren't real Jews" is an effort to erase Jewish history and their homeland. 

Jews were living in these lands when Washington, D.C., was a swamp and before Mohammad was born. But if Israelis aren't real Jews and are interlopers, the entire Bible is a lie. So, the effort to erase Jews in Judea and Samaria is also an effort to erase Jesus and Christianity.

Israel is regularly conducting archeological research and regularly finds things that confirm the presence of Jews in these regions for thousands of years. They are also finding archeological proof of the Christian gospels and the accuracy of the Bible.

For example, there was news this week about a new project that recently unearthed steps to the Pool of Siloam where Jesus healed the blind man.