Sunday, December 7, 2008

On letting the fox guard the hen house...

Columnist Doug Bandow wants the presumed President-elect Barack Hussein Obama to restore the Constitution which he asserts has been damaged by President Bush who has given himself unauthorized powers:

The problem is, that it is already clear that Mr. Obama has a distinct disdain for our Constitution, even beyond that of other liberals. Obama has already gone on record stating that our Constitution has "deep" and "fundamental flaws." It is safe to presume that he would take the liberal notion of a "living" Constitution to the extreme and remake it to suit his purposes, if he has the opportunity.

In fact, Obama has such a flagrant disrespect for our Constitution that he refuses to even provide the simple evidence (his original birth certificate) to prove that he is actually qualified for the position, i.e. that he is a U.S. citizen.