Obama Was Born in the United States
Of course, John McCain refused to call Obama on almost every issue regarding his credibility. It has been reported that insiders from his campaign have said McCain, the consummate kowtower to anything Democrat, practically threw the campaign for his "historic" opponent. That would explain McCain's campaign style but it doesn't lend much credibility to Kessler's argument.
Columnist Bob Parks notes the hypocrisy of the left and offers an explanation for the Drive-by Media's disdain for any call for a forensic analysis of Obama's original birth certificate:The Birth Certificate Time Bomb
For eight years the left has pitched a fit that President Bush is too secretive but Bush's birthplace is no secret. Why aren't they as equally concerned that Obama has kept this secret, and all of his other records, from them? But then again, if they cared, they wouldn't be hypocrites - er, Democrats, would they?
Today we learned that the answer to J. B. Williams' question,is that the U.S. Supreme Court has decided that it is not "a court of equal justice under Constitutional Law."
Gary Kreep, Executive Director of the United States Justice Foundation (USJF) says the issue is not settled.
"Frankly, a case of this magnitude could be in the courts for years. There are no quick solutions... BUT THAT'S OKAY.
The key is in the following statement which also appears in the Petition:
"Should Senator Obama be discovered, after he takes office, to be ineligible for the Office of President of the United States of America and, thereby, his election declared void, Petitioners, as well as other Americans, will suffer irreparable harm in that an usurper will be sitting as the President of the United States, and none of the treaties, laws, or executive orders signed by him will be valid or legal."
Part of that statement bears repeating:
"... none of the treaties, laws, or executive orders signed by him will be valid or legal."
In other words, as long as this case is in the courts, a cloud hangs over Senator Obama's head and for the sake of our Constitution and our Republic, the issue MUST be resolved!If President Obama issues an Executive Order to resend the Mexico City Policy and allows the tax dollars of Americans to fund organizations that promote abortions overseas, the door to question the legitimacy of that Executive Order remains open.
If President Obama signs a treaty with an unfriendly power of the United Nations, the door to question the legitimacy of that treaty remains open.
If President Obama signs a bill granting amnesty to illegal aliens into law, the door to question the legitimacy of that law remains open.
If President Obama appoints new Commissioners to the FCC who bring back the so-called Fairness Doctrine, the door to question those appointments and the legitimacy of the actions taken by his appointees remains open.
That's not to say that he can't or won't be able to fulfill the duties of his office, but until this matter is resolved... until he can validate that he is constitutionally eligible to be President of the United States, the door will always remain open to question and challenge the legitimacy of his actions and the dire consequences of those actions."
While Obama has three law firms working to quash questions about his legality, USJF has the service of Americans at heart.
"Team Obama presently has THREE LAW FIRMS at its disposal - and a seemingly unlimited ability to raise funds from the far-left for re-enforcements.Click here to give USFJ a donation to help them in their efforts to see that the Constitution is upheld.
Three law firms potentially translates to scores of attorneys and possibly hundreds of clerks who can literally throw paperwork at us until we crack under the sheer pressure and cry uncle.
Team Obama WILL try to wear us down (which by the way is yet another reason why the "Berg Case" and many of the others - as mentioned earlier - are doomed to fail and why we CAN get the job done).
They'll stall and delay and throw work at us so fast, so furiously and for so long... then they'll wait for us to break under the strain and give up. Or so they think...
Team Obama doesn't fear our skill or the merits of our case.
They hope and pray that you will not support our efforts or that you will grow tired of the fight. Conversely, what they fear most is that you will join us and support our efforts!
They know that if you support us, we'll have the ability to take on additional clerical and research staff, cover court fees, file briefs and take on outside counsel on an as-needed basis.
That's why they're praying you don't help us... but we're praying that you do!
USJF wasn't approached by a group of hot-shot movers and shakers. We took on this burden because like you we love this great country and we REFUSE to stand idly by while the Left disrespects the Constitution, the American people and our electoral process.
USJF is a nonprofit public interest, legal action organization. We go where others fear to tread. We're adept at taking on vastly superior forces. And we're committed to hitting the trenches on this one and willing to get bloody if we must.
That's our promise to you.
But, in the end, our commitment and our "pit-bull" determination doesn't amount to a hill of beans.
Winning or losing is NOT in our control... and it's not in Team Obama's control... IT'S IN YOUR HANDS!
A lot of folks are very angry over Barack Obama's refusal to validate his eligibility to be President of the United States."
Until the question is resolved, many Americans among the 56 million that did not vote for Obama, will continue to regard Barack Hussein Obama as a usurper. Of course. he could easily end this controversy by submitting his original birth certificate for authentication. So the real question is, why doesn't he?