I want to thank all of you that have had a part in the ministry here in Mexico this year. I could not have gotten through with out your support and prayers. There is so much to do for the new year and I do believe that the Lord is going to do great and mighty things this new year that I can not even imagine. However I want to wish you all a merry Christmas and a reminder that Christ should be in the center of our celebrations.
Pray for:
1. the needed support for the coming year.
2. several families that have heavy family problems
3. Pastor’s retreat Feb. of 09
4. Medical missions and evangelism March and April of 09
5. Construction projects at the camp
6. Feeding station construction and food for children
Major need:
Most of all I really need to get my housing in order. Needed are $3000. and lots of volunteer help. Please pray about what you can do. I need to complete the bathroom, kitchen, and clean up the place as it has grown up in weeds. When the hurricane came through there was damage to trees, buildings and fence. Every thing has been on hold since March of this year.
Pray with me about these things as I go into the new year. My life is not about watching the days go by, but about letting the Lord use me however He desires and I just want to walk with Him and listen to His direction.
I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for all your help this past year. I would not have gotten through this time without your help. Thanks to all of those that called and wrote to me. It has been such a help. “Faithful is He who has called you, who will also keep you and show you great and mighty things which you don not know about”.
Your Missionary to Mexico,
Jack Henderson
For those that have expressed a desire to help on a monthly basis, I think now would be the time to start. Pray about what the Lord would have you do, and contact me soon.
P.O. Box 915
San Benito, Texas, 78586
Web: Haciendahenderson.org