Thursday, December 11, 2008

Enviro-Communism in the Cabinet

Like a dog with a bone, global warming hoaxers use their enviro fervor to ignore common sense and contrary evidence.

This Definitely Won’t Help

"It is being widely reported that President-elect Obama will name former Clinton EPA official Carol Browner to fill a new post as the “climate and energy czar.” Unfortunately for consumers and businesses, much of Browner’s record indicates that she sees the two issues – climate and energy – as mutually exclusive. She is also a major advocate of “cap and trade” schemes, a key element in Mr. Obama’s promise to “bankrupt the coal industry,” which produces about half of the nation’s electricity.

Under Browner’s direction, the Clinton EPA set out on the radical path to regulate carbon dioxide as a pollutant. As any middle school student could tell you, carbon dioxide is plant food. Humans expel carbon dioxide when we breathe,and it is a natural byproduct of just about every industrial venture. But government plans to regulate it will only result in higher taxes on employers and energy companies, costs that will cripple businesses, be passed on to the consumers and force even more jobs to be sacrificed on the altar of liberal ideology.

By the way, it is snowing today in Houston, Texas and New Orleans, Louisiana. The snow flurries in Houston tied a 64-year record for the earliest snowfall, and today’s snow in New Orleans was also among the earliest recorded in the winter season. It is also worth mentioning that more than 650 scientists are challenging the UN / Al Gore “global warming consensus.” One environmental physical chemist from Japan said of global warming alarmism, “When people come to know what the truth is, they will feel deceived by science and scientists.”"

Gary Bauer
Campaign for Working Families