A group of Christians in China is doing amazing work saving infants who have survived late-term abortions. At least these tiny babies have a slim chance of survival in Communist China.
Click on the Faith and Action link if you would like to help this outreach mission.
"In China, disabled and deformed children are often “thrown away” by their parents. Many are simply left on the street to die. There is a courageous group of Christians who take these throw-away children in and care and provide for them.
But that is not all they do.
These heroic Christians risk their lives every day as they literally go into the hospitals in China and “rescue” newborn infants that have survived forced late-term abortions. They also go out into the streets and rescue infant girls who have been discarded by their families. Because of China’s “One Child Per Family” policy, many rural families leave girls on the side of the road to die in hopes they will have a son in the future.
This ministry, which I cannot name out of safety concerns, in the spirit of Jesus, goes out into the highways and rescues these precious abandoned little girls and then nurtures them back to health."
Rob Schenck
Faith and Action