A Very Bad Day for Mark Warner, Part 2 (Debate Edition)
Two issues stood out in this debate, Energy and Trust. On Energy, Mark unveiled his 5th position on solving our energy crisis . This time, Warner focused on his promised $5,000 tax credit for Hybrid Car Purchases. I suppose this means something to some people, but for most Virginians, a $40,000 car is just as out of reach as a $45,000 car (not to mention that pesky car tax eating up all of your rebate within a few years). Contrast that with Governor Gilmore’s clear stance: we must have a comprehensive energy plan that includes alternative fuels, coal, and nuclear power, but we must start by making a commitment to drill here in the US, both offshore and in ANWR. To all of those who doubt that a commitment to drill will bring down energy costs immediately, I’d point you to the fact that President Bush’s recent lifting of the executive moratorium on offshore drilling caused oil prices to drop.
On the issue of trust, Mark ran into another set of annoying facts. Turns out that the entire time he was preaching economic doom and gloom as a justification for the largest tax hike in Virginia history, his own economic advisor was telling him otherwise.
All of this begs the question: why did Mark Warner hide this information from the people of Virginia? If Virginians couldn’t trust Mark Warner then, what makes them think they can trust him now.
Missed the debate? You can listen to it here.