"There is no question that Barack Obama is a gifted orator. His rhetorical skills are impressive. As long as the teleprompter is on, everyone is enthralled by how well Obama speaks. But at some point voters will start paying attention to what he is actually saying and then, as the polls suggest may be happening now, his star will begin to dim considerably. Consider these two examples:
Speaking to the National Council of La Raza this weekend, Barack Obama compared the actions of our federal authorities enforcing U.S. immigration law to terrorism, saying, “When communities are terrorized by ICE [Immigration and Customs Enforcement] immigration raids, when nursing mothers are torn from their babies, when children come home from school to find their parents missing, when people are detained without access to legal counsel, when all that is happening, the system just isn’t working and we need to change it.”
Once again, Sen. Obama has managed to turn reality on its head. Obama seems to be suggesting that we – you and I, the American people – are the bad guys for having onerous immigration laws that require draconian enforcement. Yet, America is the most welcoming nation in the world. Every year for the last seven years, the United States has accepted over one million new legal immigrants.
ICE immigration raids are focused on illegal immigration. Yet, Senator Obama seems to be suggesting that our law enforcement officers are the bad guys for daring to enforce the law and “terrorizing” certain communities in the process. I have to assume that under a “President Obama” our immigration laws would not be enforced!
Here’s another example of why we should be concerned about what Senator Obama is saying. Just days after the 9/11 attacks, Senator Obama said this:
The United States of America has done more to defend freedom around the world than any other nation in history. Free market capitalism and American generosity have done more to lift people out of poverty than any big government socialist scheme ever invented. If the “workers’ paradise” was truly to be found in the Soviet Union, it might still exist today. If utopia could be found in Cuba or China or Zimbabwe or the Middle East, then the United States would not be welcoming over a million legal immigrations each and every year. We must be doing something right because while Senator Obama frets and wrings his hands about our “bigotry” and “rage” and how we “terrorize” our own communities, people are still dying every day trying to come here." Gary Bauer
Campaign for Working Families