Monday, November 10, 2008

Barack Obama wants to help kill Chinese unborn babies

Tony Perkins with Family Research Council Action examines how the new leader of the Party of Death plans to divert tax dollars for voodoo embryonic stem cell research and increase the deaths of the unborn exponentially.

A Question of Priorities

News reports over the weekend indicate that President-elect Barack Obama is already preparing to issue executive orders that would allow for embryonic stem cell research, taxpayer-funded abortions, and U.S. subsidies to groups that cooperate in forced abortions in nations like China.

While Obama promised to use taxpayer funds to expand the culture of death, it does raise new questions about the consequences of this election. In tough economic times, is it really wise to spend taxpayer dollars on a controversial investment like embryonic stem cell experimentation that has yielded nothing?

Why should we support failed science when real treatments with ethical alternatives are helping patients now? Second, is the best way to improve the American image abroad by exporting taxpayer dollars to facilitate forced abortions?

And lastly, how do people like Doug Kmiec and Jim Wallis, who claimed that the Democrats' policies would reduce abortions, reconcile that belief now that liberals are looking to subsidize abortion? Both sides in the debate should agree-subsidizing abortion is the surest way to increase it.