Monday, November 10, 2008

Barack Obama: When Narcissists Attack

The P-E throws out two 'disses in record time - one snarky attack on an elderly former first lady, falsely accused, and the second slap down to an important ally. Wow, he was ready before Day One. What a uniter! We are all 'Joe the Plumbers' in Obama's eyes.
Words Matter, Part II

"To supporters of President-elect Barack Obama, he is an orator gifted with a silver tongue, JFK reincarnated. Critics have encouraged people to look beyond his rhetoric, which has little substance, and instead to focus on his record of accomplishments, or lack thereof, for an indication of how he will govern. I hope the soon-to-be leader of the free world learns quickly that words do matter, because we received two disturbing examples over the weekend that suggest his learning curve could be steeper than previously thought.

At a Friday press conference, President-elect Obama was asked if he had reached out to ex-presidents for their advice and counsel. Obama responded, “I have spoken to all of them who are living. I didn’t want to get into a Nancy Reagan thing about doing any séances.” Nancy Reagan never held séances. It was Hillary Clinton who claimed she had “conversations” with Eleanor Roosevelt. Obama reportedly called Nancy Reagan to apologize for his “careless and offhanded remark.” Obama aides said the conversation went well, but aides to Mrs. Reagan suggest otherwise.

Here is a far more serious example. Last week, the president of Poland called Obama to offer his congratulations and seek reassurances that the United States would not abandon its commitment to deploy a missile defense system in Poland. Even with Russia threatening them, the Poles are still seeking U.S. leadership and support.

After their conversation, President Kaczynski released a statement that read, “Barack Obama has underlined the importance of the strategic partnership between Poland and the United States, he expressed his hope of continuing the political and military cooperation between our two countries. He also said the anti-missile shield project would go ahead.” But on Saturday, Obama’s senior foreign policy advisor said, “President Kaczynski raised missile defense but President-elect Obama made no commitment on it.”

This is a very disturbing development. When you start making ambivalent statements to heads of state, you are inviting aggression. The world is still a very dangerous place, and our allies must be able to trust us."

Gary Bauer
Campaign for Working Families