Ethanol is another bad idea that needs to be ended. H3 reminds everyone how ethanol can destroy your engine and fuel system. When you put gas in your tank, look at the pump and read the label that says up to 10% of your gasoline has ethanol in it. Unfortunately, expect more anti-consumer enviro-communism from Obama -- much, much more.
"If you have a small engine, lawnmower, chainsaw, gas model airplane, or antique engine, that has become hard to start, runs sick, or just won't start, and you know it has fuel, compression and spark, check you gasoline for color.
See photo below: if it is the color of that in the left hand jar, or even a lighter shade of yellow, look no further for your problem. Dump your tank, drain your carb/system, and refuel with fresh gas.
This ethanol laced gas we are forced to use absorbs water from the atmosphere, tank sweating, equipment left in the rain, etc. and makes engines very sick in addition to increased corrosion in the fuel system.
Water does not bead up like in pure gas, and yellowed ethanol gas does not smell bad.
When in doubt, do a color check.
Fuel stabilizers should help with storage, but best is to drain tank and carb for the winter."