Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Let them know what you really think!
Will Obama Get a Clue?
President Obama landed in England today for important meetings with G20 leaders. The meetings could be tough – Europe is resisting pressure from the White House to follow our lead and spend hundreds of billions of additional dollars. But as important as the London meeting is, the bigger news may be coming out of Israel today, where Benjamin Netanyahu was sworn in as Prime Minister.
As he was being sworn in, an interview Netanyahu gave a few weeks ago was released by Atlantic Magazine. In it, the Israeli prime minister makes it clear that he believes a nuclear-armed Iran would be a disaster, not only for Israel but also for the United States and the world.
Using blunt language, Netanyahu asserted, “You don’t want a messianic apocalyptic cult controlling atomic bombs. When the wide-eyed believer gets hold of the reins of power and the weapons of mass death, then the entire world should start worrying, and that is what is happening in Iran.”
He’s right. Is Obama listening?
Gary Bauer
Campaign for Working Families
Messianic cult - that kinda sounds like Obama's followers...
Obama and Friends of Osama
Last night, the Obama administration agreed to release yet another terrorist currently being held at the Guantanamo Bay detention center.
Ayman Saeed Batarfi, a Yemeni doctor, is a member of al-Qaida, supported the Taliban and has been an official of al-Wafa - another organization identified by the U.S. Government as a terrorist supporting group.
The U.S. government had charged him with providing medical support to al-Qaida terrorists and he has freely admitted meeting with Osama bin Laden. As a medical doctor, he also worked closely with senior al-Qaida microbiologists while in Afghanistan and purchased medical equipment for al-Qaida.
He’s not the first
This is not the first terrorist that President Obama has set free. On February 23rd Obama released Guantanamo Bay detainee Binyam Mohamed. Mohamed was captured in Pakistan in April, 2002 and has admitted to training at various al-Qaida camps. He is alleged to have plotted multiple attacks on American soil and now he is free in England.
This frightening development means that we need your help more than ever. Please consider signing our petition below. If you’ve signed it already, please consider forwarding this email to friends and family.
Why is he being released?
Batarfi is being released not because he has been deemed innocent or no longer a threat, but because the evidence against him is not admissible in a civilian court.
In other words, without your help, this could be the beginning of a disturbing trend that will prevent many of the remaining 240 GITMO detainees from standing trial and being brought to justice for their activities. Your voice can help stop this.
We need you!
As Americans and military families we cannot stand quietly by and allow President Obama to endanger our national security by putting campaign promises above protecting our homeland and our brave men and women in uniform.
If this is frightening to you, please consider helping us fight once again.
No timetable has been set for the Batarfi release so we have to take action now before he rejoins the fight to kill innocent people. We ask you to do three things:
- Please visit and sign the petition that lets President Barack Obama know that we need to protect our country and keep terrorists locked up.
- Please send this to every friend and family member you have today. It is incredibly important to grow our grassroots movement and we are relying on you to do it.
- Donate Here
We need your help to let America know about the dangers of freeing suspected terrorists. Please forward this to your friends and family asking them to sign the petition. We cannot allow our country be put in danger.
Quotes from this morning’s papers:
“he (Saeed Abdullah Batarfi) had worked for a charity that had terrorist ties and that he had met with Osama bin Laden.” – New York Times (3/31/09)
“Justice Department lawyers contend he (Saeed Abdullah Batarfi) was at one of al-Qaida's major battles, and not just as a charity worker.” – Associated Press (3/31/09)
Monday, March 30, 2009
In his statement, Governor Kaine (who also happens to be President Obama's hand picked National Chairman of the Democrat Party) said: "Because Virginians -like all Americans - regard freedom of expression among our highest values, courts in the Commonwealth and elsewhere have reviewed license plate programs to ensure that government regulation of plate messages does not discriminate based on the viewpoint expressed by a particular group."
We couldn't agree more - (and that's a first!)"
Senator Ken Cuccinelli
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Governor Vetoes Numerous Pro-Gun Bills!
Please Contact Your State Legislators!
In his attempt to appease his liberal, anti-gun colleagues as the new Chairman of the Democratic National Committee, Governor Tim Kaine (D) opposed retired law enforcement officers, members of the U.S. Armed Services (including the Virginia National Guard), and law-abiding Right-to-Carry permit holders by vetoing five pro-gun bills. Senate Bill 1035, Senate Bill 877, Senate Bill 1528, House Bill 1851, and House Bill 2528 were passed with strong bi-partisan support with veto-proof majorities in both the Senate and House.
It is imperative that you contact your state legislators TODAY and respectfully request that they vote to override the Governor's veto of the following bills when they reconvene to override vetoes on Wednesday, April 8:
SB1035 would permit a Right-to-Carry permit holder to carry concealed in a restaurant, provided he or she does not consume alcohol. The House amended SB1035, improving it by removing the requirement that Right-to-Carry permit holders notify the alcohol beverage manager when they carry concealed in their establishment.
After vetoing SB1035, Governor Kaine said, "Allowing concealed weapons into restaurants and bars that serve alcohol puts the public, the employees, and our public safety officers at risk. I take seriously the objections of law enforcement to this measure." Last year, the Governor signed a bill permitting Commonwealth Attorneys to carry concealed in restaurants even while consuming alcohol. It should be noted that SB1053 prohibited the consumption of alcohol while carrying concealed by licensed Right-to-Carry permit holders.
SB877 would allow "retired" law enforcement officers to carry concealed in a restaurant that serves alcoholic beverages. Unlike SB1035, this bill applies only to retired law enforcement officers.
HB1851 would exempt active duty military personnel or Virginia National Guardsmen from Virginia's "one-gun-a-month" law on handgun purchases.
SB1528 would have allowed a safety course conducted by a state-certified or National Rifle Association-certified firearms instructor required for obtaining a concealed handgun permit to be done electronically or online.
HB2528 would establish that no locality or entity may participate in a gun "buyback" program where individuals are given anything of value or money in exchange for surrendering a firearm to the locality unless the governing body first passes an ordinance authorizing the gun "buyback." The legislation also requires that any locality holding gun "buybacks" sell the firearms to a federally licensed dealer "or be disposed of in any appropriate manner" if they could not be sold.
Again, please contact your State Senator and Delegate TODAY and respectfully encourage them to support Virginia's law-abiding gun owners and override these anti-gun vetoes. Contact information can be found by clicking here.
Stop Soros/Obama/Pelosi
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Faith, Family and Freedom on Facebook
Join the Official FRC Facebook Group and Invite Your Friends to Stand With You for Faith, Family, and Freedom
Join with hundreds of thousands of like-minded people across the nation in standing for important issues of faith, family and freedom. You're in the know, but do your friends and family know about the important issues facing our nation?
Now, FRC is offering an easy way for you to share these issues with your friends by joining our official Facebook group. If you're a Facebook user, please join us on the social network and invite your friends to stand with you by clicking the "SHARE" button under the logo on the group's Facebook page.
Friday, March 27, 2009
FOO: Friends of Obama get Royal Treatment
Welfare For Jihadists?
The Obama Administration is the “gift that just keeps on giving.” National Intelligence Director Dennis Blair, speaking about those prisoners at Guantanamo Bay (GITMO) who are likely to be released in the United States under new policies adopted by Obama, pointed out that the prisoners would have to get some sort of welfare to help them start their new lives in the good old US of A. Director Blair apparently thought about this quite a lot and concluded, “We can’t put them out on the street.”
It must be very hard for our enemies to fully understand American liberals. Try to put yourself in their shoes for a moment:
First, you are captured on the battlefield where you are trying to kill U.S. soldiers. Then you are imprisoned at GITMO and immediately provided expert medical attention and better nutrition than ever before. Soon lawyers from some of Washington’s most prestigious law firms offer to represent you free of charge.
Then a president is elected who went to a “church” for 20 years whose pastor loved to shout “God D--- America” from the pulpit. Finally, you are told that the president intends to release you inside the country you dream will be destroyed some day, and the Director of National Intelligence wants you to be paid a stipend by those dreadful infidel taxpayers so that you can adjust to your new life. And just last week, that same president was floating the idea of taking away some health benefits from the soldiers who captured you!
While I ponder the meaning of all this tonight, I intend to stop by Arlington National Cemetery for a reality check.
Gary Bauer
Campaign for Working Families
The black community needs to embrace capitalism
"State of Black America 2009" Report
"It is long past time that groups such the National Urban League should be given a pass as they blame poor personal decisions, lack of personal preparation and the realities of life on a phantom bogeyman of conspiratorial dictates designed to impede black progress," said Project 21 Chairman Mychal Massie. "If they are going to point fingers, they should not exclude pointing fingers at themselves. They cannot claim 100 years of making a difference in the lives of blacks while simultaneously claiming that blacks aren't succeeding as quickly as every other group of Americans."
This year's National Urban League report, like past reports, dwells on negatives. National Urban League President and CEO Marc H. Morial, for instance, says, "The election of the first black president does not mean we can all now close up shop and go home." This echoes Morial's predecessor, John E. Jacobs, who wrote in the 1993 edition that black Americans were faced with "bleak despair countered by fresh hope" upon the change of presidential administrations.
Among essays by entrepreneur and publisher Earl Graves, Jr. and scandal-plagued U.S. Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT), the report makes specific recommendations on policies pertaining to education, health care, homeownership and employment, among others. Some of these recommendations, as categorized in the National Urban League report's executive summary, are constructively challenged by Project 21 members.
In the area of health care, the National Urban League recommends government-run universal coverage. As Project 21's Massie points out, this sort of health care has failed abroad and would fail in America as well.
"Do we need the people who run the DMV in charge of the emergency room? That's what you get with government-run health care," said Massie. "Creating a new health care bureaucracy would stifle innovation and limit choice."
"If you want an example of what may happen, look no further than the 'Urban Health Initiative' created by now-First Lady Michelle Obama and Obama political guru David Alexrod at the University of Chicago," noted Massie. "Their plan seeks to divert residents away for the university's elite hospital to county hospitals and clinics. This shocking plan is now being reconsidered after the Chicago Tribune reported that Dontae Adams, a 12-year-old dog bite victim, was given only a shot and some painkillers at the university hospital. He was told to seek follow-up treatment the next week at a county hospital. His mother immediately took him to another hospital on a bus for reconstructive facial surgery that same day."
Massie added: "What happened to Dontae might be a common occurrence for all under government-run health care. What Americans need are more choices and the ability to make their own decisions when it comes to their medical needs. That's what the NUL should be asking for."
Regarding homeownership, the NUL report suggests funding educational initiatives and credit counseling, something that might find them at odds with some activist groups of which they are usually allied that have opposed such programs in the past as akin to "redlining" because they might target certain areas and populations.
But NUL also supports an expanded Community Reinvestment Act - the regulation that mandates risky mortgage lending situations and is blamed by many as the catalyst for the subprime mortgage crisis.
Project 21 Fellow Deneen Borelli said: "Government aid and intervention should not replace an individual's responsibility to exercise good judgment. Achieving the American Dream of homeownership begins with understanding the terms of the contract and meeting those obligations. Expanding the Community Reinvestment Act risks inflating another housing bubble that would further hinder our country's economic recovery. For the National Urban League to encourage more risky loans at this point is reckless."
On education, the NUL suggests retaining the Bush Administration's "No Child Left Behind" standards policy, but does not adequately speak out in favor of popular school choice and charter school programs that explicitly spotlight and seek to remedy failing government-run schools by denying them a captive student body. NUL suggestions still look to government as the best administrator of education despite its poor track record.
"The status quo on education has not worked and it never will work," said Project 21 member Kevin Martin. "While the National Urban League is focused on what the government can do, they are not speaking out enough about what parents can do. Education is the civil rights issue of our time, and vouchers, charter schools and similar alternatives to the failed government approach need to be encouraged."
Overall, Project 21's Martin noted: "The black community does not need to be protected from capitalism, as the National Urban League's report seems to imply. The black community needs to embrace capitalism. The free market is where true opportunity lies."
Project 21, a nonprofit and nonpartisan organization sponsored by the National Center for Public Policy Research, has been a leading voice of the African-American community since 1992. For more information, contact David Almasi at (202) 543-4110 x11 or, or visit Project 21's website at
Reaching the Breaking Point...
Since 1973, we have witnessed the wanton butchering of more than 50 million defenseless children. That is one child every 20 seconds for 36 years!
Now, in the first 60 days of his presidency, Barack Obama has repealed the Mexico City Policy, thus confiscating our tax money to fund the worldwide killing of children by abortion. He is working to repeal Conscience Clause protections for healthcare providers, thus forcing many to perform abortions and violate their deeply held convictions.
Further, Mr. Obama has pledged to the Planned Parenthood Federation of America that he will urge passage and sign into law the so-called Freedom of Choice Act. This legislation would wipe away all reasonable restrictions on abortion, including laws banning the brutal late-term Partial-Birth Abortion procedure.
In addition to these outrageous assaults on the moral foundation of our Nation, we are witnessing the most dramatic government takeover of private property in American history. We now live under the very real threat of debilitating, confiscatory taxation.
As you can see, we have moved even beyond the point of oppression at which the eighteenth century American Revolutionaries found themselves!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
The Republican Response
Now, as Congress prepares to deal with President Obama’s outrageous $3.6 trillion budget, which raises taxes and takes the first steps toward socialized health care, House Republicans today unveiled their own alternative, while Senate conservatives, such as Iowa’s Charles Grassley, are advocating a spending freeze.
While the Left is divided and fighting itself, conservatives need to be united behind serious alternatives rooted in conservative values and principles. There are many good conservatives on Capitol Hill fighting hard every day for the values we cherish. Unfortunately, liberal Democrats, led by Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, control nearly 60% of the votes in the House and Senate.
That means we’re not going to win many votes in Washington in the short term. But that doesn’t excuse us from working hard now to win the hearts and minds of voters across the country so we can retake Congress in 2010. Only by winning elections can we hope to stop Obama’s lurch to the Left and restore common sense to Congress!
Gary Bauer
Campaign for Working Families
The rest of the story
Montana Plane Crash Claims Family Members Of Abortion Clinic OwnerMarch 26, 2009 – There is an ironic twist in tragedy of the small plane that crashed into a Catholic cemetery in Montana on March 24, killing seven adults and seven children. (Those in the plane were on their way to a ski resort only open to millionaires.)
In this cemetery is a memorial called the Tomb of the Unborn that reminds Catholics of the millions of unborn children who have been killed by abortionists.
The deaths of these 14 adults and children cannot be minimized, yet the mainstream media has ignored or suppressed a bizarre twist in this tragedy: Two sisters who died in this crash were the daughters of Irving “Bud” Feldkamp, the owner of Family Planning Associates, the largest abortion clinic chain in the United States. Feldkamp’s two daughters, their husbands and their five children died in this horrific crash.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Grammy Nominee Revives Rousing American Anthem
What Was That?
"Last night, President Obama held a nationally televised White House press conference in prime time to discuss the state of the nation’s economy. Given the extent of the economic crisis and the serious challenges confronting the nation, the president probably should be holding a lot of press conferences. I think this was his second. Unfortunately, the president said very little last night that was new or different from what he has been saying for the past 60 days.
What did catch my attention, however, was the president’s absolute commitment to raising taxes. When pressed to explain his desire to limit deductions for mortgage interest and charitable contributions, President Obama responded:
You’ll notice there’s no discussion of cutting government spending. Instead, the president says folks who have “benefitted” are “fortunate,” as if they won the lottery. I know many business owners consider themselves fortunate, but I also know they worked very hard to get where they are today. And that hard work does not deserve to be punished by Big Government because Barack Obama thinks some people “benefitted” too much from their own effort.
We’re hearing a lot about greed these days from Obama and liberal Democrats in Congress. During the campaign, candidate Obama criticized as “greedy” folks who objected to his tax hikes. What about the envy of Big Government? If you’re “fortunate” enough to be “well-to-do,” Obama wants to punish you by raising your taxes. And if you’re generous with your money, he’s going to punish you again by limiting your charitable deductions!
By the way, the president’s thin skin was on full display last night – you may have noticed that the TOTUS wasn’t there. What’s that, you ask? Teleprompter Of The United States. Sensitive to the criticism of his “crutch,” President Obama opted to trade in the TOTUS for the “Obamatron” – a jumbo flat screen TV in the back of the room.
But don’t worry -- TOTUS is doing fine and has recently launched a blog to keep you posted on daily events. You can check out the latest TOTUS postings here."
Gary Bauer
Campaign for Working Families
Quote of the Day
Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel
Monday, March 23, 2009
Quote of the Day
He was warning that we still faced the possibility of “an even more destructive recession or potentially a depression.” And through it all, the president just kept on laughing – as though he had forgotten that this was 60 Minutes and not Jay Leno.
The president’s odd demeanor got the attention of CBS’s veteran journalist Steve Kroft. At one point during the interview, Kroft asked the president of the United States:
“You’re sitting here. And you’re – you are laughing. You are laughing about some of these problems. Are people going to look at this and say, ‘I mean, he’s sitting there just making jokes about money.’ …Are you punch-drunk?”
I don’t recall an interviewer ever having to ask President Bush if he was “punch-drunk.” But President Obama brushed it off with a laugh, saying, “No. No. There’s gotta be a little gallows humor to get you through the day.”
Maybe so. But I suspect, rather than “gallows humor,” most Americans would appreciate steady leadership that is focused on the crisis at hand. Instead, Obama is jumping from one massive Big Government initiative to the next, while admitting that the economy stands on the brink of “an even more destructive recession or potentially a depression.” Is he trying to push it over the edge?"
Gary Bauer
Campaign for Working Families
Perhaps Obama is doing drugs, again.
Your Urgent Action Needed
Victoria Cobb, President of The Family Foundation of Virginia needs your responses on Life Issues
Contact Governor Tim Kaine and urge him to sign the Choose Life License Plate bill. Get information on the bill and learn how to contact him here:
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is considering whether to retain conscience protections for pro-life medical professionals. The Bush Administration implemented them in December but the Obama Administration already is pushing their repeal. There are only a couple of weeks left for the public comment period so click here for an issue brief and to respond to HHS:
Meanwhile, there are other items of more than passing interest to pro-family, traditional values voters:
President Obama put politics ahead of science in lifting the federal embryonic stem cell research funding ban:;
Speaking of wasted taxpayer spending, you’re invited to a Tea Party:;
Democrat Party of Virginia Chairman Dick Cranwell’s decision to seek another term put him at odds with what he told us exclusively last year:;
Electoral lessons for both parties:;
Brad Wilcox, a U.Va. professor and member of our Marriage Commission wrote a thought-provoking op-ed for the Wall Street Journal:;
It’s bad enough William & Mary hosts a “sex workers show” but now it’s hosting what many believe to be a child pornographer:; and
Planned Parenthood is stung by undercover pro-lifers in Arizona!
Sign the Petition to Stop Forced Unionism
"This week, the CEOs of Costco, Whole Foods, and Starbucks plan to throw you and their employees "under the bus" to appease Big Labor, offering a so-called "compromise version" of Big Labor's top legislative priority: the "Card Check" Forced Unionism Bill.
It's vital you act right now to help fight back against their scheme -- which will leave workers vulnerable to union-boss intimidation and make you pay the price in higher costs.
With our economy already blasted with recession and nearly constant political agitation, attempts to "compromise" over forced unionism really could push our economy over the brink.
Let me explain.
Thanks to the 2.2 million members of National Right to Work Committee and a growing wave of other allies in this fight, I believe we are in a position to defeat the ugly forced-unionism power grab known as "Card Check" in the U.S. Senate.
But these three corporations -- working with former Bill Clinton top advisor Lanny Davis -- are now trying to broker a back-room deal that is harmful, and would result in more workers being corralled into forced unionism and under the thumb of the union bosses.
In fact, their scheme is no doubt a preemptive surrender to Big Labor.
And even worse, these foolish and destructive actions could end up helping pass the "Card Check" Forced Unionism Bill outright.
That's why it's vital you sign this petition to the CEOs of these three misguided companies -- TODAY. I'll make sure it is delivered directly to their office and that the press knows.
As you know, the "Card Check" Forced Unionism Bill denies workers a secret ballot when voting on whether or not they want to be part of a union. A firestorm of union intimidation would rain down upon literally millions of employees who would be shoved into union collectives and forced to pay union dues.
If passed, the Card Check Forced Unionism bill would vastly increase the forced-dues-funded power of the far left Big Labor bosses.
And giving union officials more coercive power over American workplaces and the economy is a prescription for economic disaster, just as it was near the beginning of the Great Depression. The inevitable results are skyrocketing unemployment, businesses destroyed, inflation, and worse.
But ending secret ballots is just the beginning of the evils of this legislation. Once workers are bullied into union ranks without even a secret ballot, union officials would make outrageous demands and -- a mere 90 days later -- Obama Administration bureaucrats will be empowered to step in and "solve the problem," ultimately imposing the terms and conditions of employment on the workers and companies.
With all that's at stake, it is inexcusable for these three large companies to try to placate the union bosses and sell out hundreds of thousands of smaller ones, to say nothing of the millions of workers that would be affected.
That's why it's extremely important that you tell Costco, Whole Foods, and Starbucks to scrap their disastrous plans to propose a "compromise" bill. There can be no compromise whatsoever on forced unionism.
Please sign this petition to send a message to Costco, Whole Foods, and Starbucks that YOU MEAN BUSINESS -- and that they will pay a terrible price for EVEN THINKING of caving in to the union bosses. Starbucks should be especially sensitive -- as this struggling company closes stores left and right and is already discredited in many eyes for mixing politics with its coffee."
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Quote of the Day
The Iranian government-controlled media already refer to our president with vulgar terms comparing him to female genitals. I can only imagine the scorn this latest attempt at appeasement will be greeted with by the Islamofascists in Tehran."
Gary Bauer
Campaign for Working Families
Indentured Servants for Obama
House Passes Mandatory National Service Bill
The House passed a bill [Wednesday] which includes disturbing language indicating young people will be forced to undertake mandatory national service programs as fears about President Barack Obama’s promised “civilian national security force” intensify.
The Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education Act, known as the GIVE Act, was passed yesterday by a 321-105 margin and now goes to the Senate.
Tell Obama Where You Stand
Sign the petition to protect Pro-Life Doctors. Jay Sekulow, Chief Counsel for the American Center for Law & Justice has the rest of the story...
But he's given you a deadline: You've got two weeks to voice your concerns - to speak out for America's pro-life medical professionals ... and their moral conscience - before it's too late.
Right now, the Department of Health and Human Services is accepting public comment on this very critical issue - but the deadline is quickly approaching.
Stand for life and speak to the President on this serious issue! Add your name to our online PETITION TO PROTECT PRO-LIFE DOCTORS now!
Here's some background....
The Conscience Clause was implemented by former President George W. Bush to give physicians and nurses the choice to act according to their moral conscience - to not participate in abortion procedures if it conflicts with their personal convictions.
Now, President Obama wants to change that. He's angling to remove Conscience Clause protection for healthcare providers and force them into performing abortion procedures.
In other words, if you've got strong moral convictions - or pro-life Christian views - President Obama says they don't matter.
I'm urging every committed, pro-life member of the ACLJ to raise the volume on this critical issue. The President says he wants to hear from you ... so add your name to the online PETITION TO PROTECT PRO-LIFE DOCTORS now and speak out for life!
I cannot stress this strongly enough - this move by President Obama to remove Conscience Clause protection is nothing more than a ''piecemeal application'' of the deadly Freedom of Choice Act.
The Obama Administration is on the march against pro-life America. And they're moving fast. Piece by piece, one issue at a time, they're dismantling every advance for life that was made under the previous Administration.
So we can't wait. We must be vigilant and forceful on behalf of life. And we must let the President know exactly where we stand on this issue.
Voice your concerns NOW. Tell President Obama to respect the conscience rights of pro-life medical professionals by adding your name to our PETITION TO PROTECT PRO-LIFE DOCTORS immediately.
And be sure to use our online forward-to-friend tool to invite your friends, family, and colleagues to add their names as well!
We've got two weeks to make our voices heard. Please let me hear from you quickly!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Quote of the Day
"In PoMo America where bullcrap is alive and well, we’re going to be forced to exchange the worship of God for grass. In Bermuda We Trust. And if we don’t bow and kiss Pelosi and her tribe’s jade ring we could be used as human tiki torches to light her garden. Be afraid, plebeians. Be afraid."
Doug Giles
Democrats Play Bait-and-Switch
Saying Article I, Section 10 the U.S. Constitution prohibits the government from passing laws "impairing the obligation of contracts," Borelli says the AIG bonus controversy is a creation of the lawmakers who rushed bailout legislation earlier this year without due consideration. These are the same lawmakers who now seek to hide their mistakes by pushing this new and selective tax.
"Politicians need to be reminded that we are a nation of laws. To impose a hastily-concocted tax as a means of rectifying a problem that the government itself created and mismanaged calls their ability to lead into question," says Borelli. "To suddenly enact a new tax to punish a few dozen people for something that was legal at the time is ludicrous, and it smacks of the British treatment of the colonists that provoked the revolt that created the United States. Have we come full circle already?"Borelli says the selective and punitive tax proposed for these AIG executives harkens back to taxes imposed on the American colonies under British rule during the 1700s.
The Stamp Act of 1765 required all legal documents, newspapers and even playing cards to carry a tax stamp. The tax, levied to pay for British troops stationed in the colonies, brought about the argument of "taxation without representation" and led to the organization of resistance groups such as the Sons of Liberty.
Similar British taxes specifically targeting the colonies included the Townshend Act to tax import of glass, lead, paint, paper and tea and the Tea Act, which cut colonial tea merchants out of the market and led to the Boston Tea Party.
Borelli also noted on Fox News today that it was an amendment pushed by Senate Banking Committee Chairman Chris Dodd (D-CT), apparently at the behest of the Obama White House, to February's rushed $787,000,000,000 "stimulus" bill that ultimately allowed the AIG retention bonuses to be paid.
"Americans have every right to be angry that their tax dollars are paying for these bonuses, but the blame should start with Congress," she said. "Retention bonuses such as AIG's are commonplace, and apply to more than just executives. Senator Dodd and the Obama Administration must have known this when they pushed the amendment that allowed the bonuses to be paid. Now, lawmakers including Dodd are trying to play a game of bait-and-switch. They are trying to draw attention away from themselves and onto AIG. AIG CEO Edward Liddy and others at the company were playing by the rules that were given to them by Washington. A special tax for these few, while possibly making people feel better, is akin to tyranny."Borelli added: "If this government is unable to provide simple oversight on the bailouts they approved for a few banks, how can they effectively manage health care for hundreds of millions of Americans?"
Project 21, a nonprofit and nonpartisan organization sponsored by the National Center for Public Policy Research, has been a leading voice of the African-American community since 1992. For more information, contact David Almasi at (202) 543-4110 x11 or, or visit Project 21's website at
Friday, March 20, 2009
Narcissist-In-Chief Debases the Oval Office in Tinseltown
And while unemployment is up, while millions of Americans are tightening their belts and while retirement accounts are being wiped out, the White House has been hosting regular Wednesday night parties serving up $100-a-pound Waygu beef.
The lack of seriousness at the White House is not going unnoticed. Columnist David Brooks – the New York Times’ token “conservative” – has a scathing column today thrashing the administration for “focusing on the dust bunnies under the bed” as “a tiger sinks its teeth into the world’s neck.”
That “tiger,” of course, is the global economic crisis. But Obama, as Brooks writes, “…has decided to address this crisis while simultaneously tackling the four most complicated problems facing the nation: health care, energy, immigration and education.”
Two weeks ago, I wrote that the president needed to focus his attention on the economy and, hopefully, come up with better ideas than taxing and spending us into oblivion, BEFORE attempting anything else. Given the way the Democrat Congress and the White House bungled the “stimulus” bill and the AIG bonuses, I think it’s time we pull the emergency brake on Obama’s runaway socialist agenda before America faces a major train wreck. "
Gary Bauer
Campaign for Working Families
Beat Planned Parenthood and Defend Conscience Rights
President Barack Obama is proposing regulations to strike or weaken current regulations implemented by then-HHS Secretary Mike Leavitt that protect the conscience rights of health care workers. Congress has passed three laws (Church Amendments, Coats Amendment, and the Hyde/Weldon Amendment) over the past 35 years protecting such rights; however, no regulations had ever been implemented until January 20, 2009 when the former administration put into effect regulations to defend the conscience rights of healthcare workers.
Unfortunately, President Obama wants to rescind these regulations and may issue weaker ones in the future. The regulations President Obama is planning to rescind would ensure that programs that receive federal funds, including federal, state and local government programs, do not discriminate against health care workers who object to participating in such practices as abortion and sterilization.
We need you to submit comments to HHS in support of these regulations to enforce current law because groups like Planned Parenthood have supplied thousands of comments to HHS asking them to rescind these pro-conscience regulations. The deadline for submitting comments is April 9, 2009.
In submitting your comments, please provide information to HHS as to your awareness of the conscience protections contained in currently law. For instance, did you know that health care providers -- both persons and organizations -- have conscience protections under federal law? Do you know of a case or cases in which an organization with which you are or were affiliated did not know of these federal rights? Provide examples where a lack of knowledge of conscience rights led to coercion to a violation of conscience.
Describe fully any cases in which you have experienced discrimination against your conscience related to a health procedure, including but not limited to the performance of abortion. Describe fully any instances of which you have direct knowledge in which an organization has been discriminated against by the local, state, or federal government for its refusal to perform or not perform certain medical procedures. Similarly, were either you or your colleagues discriminated against because you were unwilling to perform, participate in, or refer a patient for an abortion?
Please indicate whether public outreach or education programs alone would have been sufficient to prevent the discriminatory behavior in your case. For example, would the organization or person who discriminated against you have complied with the law only if they had been threatened with sanctions?
If you follow the link below, we've provided a sample comment you may use or edit to include your own arguments and experiences.
Obama Moves to Cover Up Union Boss Perks
As you know, Big Labor's allies in Congress reintroduced the Card Check Forced Unionism Bill last week.
The job-killing forced unionism power grab came up only days after top union brass spent a week at a luxurious beachfront resort in Miami -- cavorting and strategizing with top Obama Administration officials including Vice President Joe Biden and Labor Secretary Hilda Solis.
With union bosses living like kings at swanky $400-$1000/night hotels while unionized workers lose their jobs, it seems only fair that union members and nonmembers forced to pay dues get information about what they are paying for -- and why.
But the Obama Administration has recently moved to rescind simple disclosure guidelines that would help rank-and-file workers learn details about the extravagant union getaways they are funding.
For more, watch this special video report with National Right to Work Committee and Foundation president Mark Mix.
As always, remember to check back regularly at the Foundation's blog for all the latest updates from National Right to Work.
The National Right to Work Foundation provides free legal aid to employees so they can fight back against union coercion and abuse.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Quote of the Day
I hope you don’t miss what has happened here. This leftwing administration and its liberal allies in Congress approved of the AIG contracts, protected them legally in the “stimulus” bill and now they are going to “fine” AIG for obeying the law they wrote. That’s Washington at its worst!
But Obama and his liberal allies, rather than admit they caused the bonus problem, went back to the strategy that has worked so well so far – attack business, Wall Street, executives, and fan the flames of class warfare.
President Obama did his best imitation yesterday of a Latin American demagogue, telling a campaign rally (which campaign is this?) in California that families earning more than $250,000 a year “can afford” his tax hikes. “It’s not like suddenly they’re going to have to go to the poor house. But what that does is it allows us to pay for health care…” Translation: Anyone who fights against higher taxes doesn’t care about the sick and suffering.
For anyone falling for this, consider this fact. If you are a family of four living in New York, California or a lot of other high tax states and you earn $250,000, after state, local and federal income, sales and property taxes, you are fortunate to have $125,000 left BEFORE Obama raises your taxes. Does anyone think those “rich” people are why we are in trouble today?
The great British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher once rightly observed, “The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people’s money.” That’s one lesson Washington liberals refuse to learn and Barack Obama seems determined to test."
Gary Bauer
Campaign for Working Families
The Israel Pledge
The Israel Pledge says that you believe the Jewish state has a right to exist and a right to self-defense, and that you will stand with Israel until the terrorist attacks stop.
Alert! Pelosi calling ICE Raids "un-American" and illegal aliens "very, very patriotic"
Ratcheting up her open borders rhetoric a notch, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told a rally in San Francisco that enforcement of immigration laws was "un-American." She also
CAPS National Media Director Rick Oltman was there to film the event and capture her comments. This story encompassed the entire evening's news coverage last night on Fox News last night, including The O'Reilly Factor, The Laura Ingraham Show, and Hannity. This morning it was also featured on the front page of the DrudgeReport, and mentioned on The Rush Limbaugh Show, among others.
Click here to see the complete video and transcript
CLICK HERE to send a message to your Representative and to Nancy Pelosi condemning her comments.
Obama Adds Corruption to the Census
"ACORN has been accused of voter fraud, embezzlement, and more... and yet this is a group that the federal government wants helping with the census?" asks Bobby Eberle of GOPUSA.
"It's a concern, especially when you look at all the different charges of voter fraud. And it's not just the lawmakers' concern. It should be the concern of every citizen in the country," Rep.. Lynn A. Westmoreland, R-Ga., vice ranking member of the subcommittee for the U.S. Census, told "We want an enumeration. We don't want to have any false numbers."
Why should we be further alarmed?
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Obama: Spending American into Bankruptcy
Democrats Who Think Obama Is Spending Too Much
SEN. JON TESTER (D-MT): "At What Point Of Time Do You Say Enough Is Enough?" ("Moderates Uneasy With Obama Plan," Politico, 3/3/09)
SEN. MARK BEGICH (D-AK): "If It's [Spending] Coming And Staying, Then I Have A Problem." "Similarly, Sen. Mark Begich (D-Alaska) said he wants to ensure that new spending in Obama's budget remains funded for only one year. 'If it's coming and staying, then I have a problem,' Begich said just before he headed off to the meeting with the moderate Democrats." ("Moderates Uneasy With Obama Plan," Politico, 3/3/09)
Democrats Who Think Obama Is Taxing Too Much SENATE BUDGET COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN KENT CONRAD (D-ND): "On The Issue Of Taxes, Some Critics Of The President's Plan Argues (Sic) It Represents A Tax Increase. And For Some, Clearly, It Does. That -- That Is Accurate." (Budget Committee, U.S. Senate, Hearing, 3/12/09)
SEN. BEN NELSON (D-NE): It "Doesn't Work To Be Raising Taxes In A Time When We Are Experiencing Major Adjustments In our Economy." ("Democrats Open Arms To Budget, With Caveats," The New York Times, 2/28/09)
SEN. RON WYDEN (D-OR): "I Think We All Understand The Tax Code Is Going To Melt Down Next Year. There have been thousands and thousands of changes to the code in recent years. It comes now to three for every working day year in and year out. The administration has proposed more changes, particularly, in the areas of charity and mortgages." (Budget Committee, U.S. Senate, Hearing, 3/10/09)
Democrats Who Think Obama Is Borrowing Too Much
SEN. MARY LANDRIEU (D-LA): "[W]e Do Have To Keep Our Eye On The Long Term, On Intermediate And Long-Term Fiscal Responsibility." ("Moderates Uneasy With Obama Plan," Politico, 3/3/09)
SEN. EVAN BAYH (D-IN): "But Again, Greta, The Day Of Reckoning Is Coming. ... I'm Talking About Something Truly Cataclysmic -- Our Currency Collapsing, Interest Rates Skyrocketing Because Of Our Unsustainable Deficits." "But again, Greta, the day of reckoning is coming. We can't run deficits like this forever. The markets will react and punish us if we don't and... I'm talking about something truly cataclysmic -- our currency collapsing, interest rates skyrocketing because of our unsustainable deficits. It's now at an unprecedented level -- well, except during the Second World War, perhaps, or the Civil War -- of 12 percent of GDP, and this is just not sustainable." (Fox News' "On The Record," 3/9/09)