Mark Brandly
Professor of Economics, Ferris State University
Adjunct Scholar of the Ludwig von Mises Institute
Newsletter of the Madison County Virginia Republican Women
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Come join us for a Patriotic
Taxed Enough Already Memorial Weekend TEA Party!
Saturday, May 23
11:00 AM to 2:00 PM
at Yowell Meadow Park
Route 522 North & Gardner Street
Culpeper VA 22701
Music, patriotic readings and special appearances by General and Mrs. "Stonewall" Jackson, Patrick Henry. Remarks by invited guests. Forrest Whorton will ride his patriotic horse Zeke. Shenandoah Springs singer Beth Poplin's lovely voice will accompany national sing-along songs, The Statue of Liberty and Press On.
Special chalk drawing: "The story of the Star Spangled Banner”
Come rain or shine!
For more information email
This event is sponsored by American Family Association, organized by Rita Grace
AFA TEA (Taxed Enough Already) Party
Pre-event photo ops with Living History characters.
Carry your message with flags, signs, posters and TEA bags!
Let's come together in remembrance of Memorial Day. This is an American Family TEA Party. Bring family, friends, flags, TEA bags, lunch, blankets, chairs, poster signs & smiles!
Don Wildmon, Chairman of American Family Association, reported:
"On April 15, concerned and caring individuals held TEA Parties in over 2,000 cities. Hundreds of thousands of Americans participated in the TEA Parties. Despite those numbers, the liberal media practically ignored the event. When asked if he knew about the TEA Parties, President Obama said he was unaware of them."
He made this request:
"Our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren need you to support this movement. Please support, attend and/or help organize a TEA Party rally in your community. Please encourage others to do the same."
Take a stand for your children and grandchildren. Come voice concerns at local area TEA Party events.
With the national debt already out of control, President Obama has added 78,000 new government jobs to the federal payroll since he took office. Obama’s increase in the number of government employees will add hundreds of millions of dollars to our debt. If history is any measure, these jobs will never be eliminated. They will simply add to the mountains of debt we are leaving our grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
Government spending is filled with pork earmarks like this: The National Institues of Health will pay $2.6 million in U.S. tax dollars to train Chinese prostitutes to drink responsibly on the job. |
Obama and Congress continue to spend money the government doesn’t have. The deficit for the current year will be $1.8 trillion, 50% of the total budget. In order to pay interest on the debt, the government will have to cut spending, raise taxes, print more paper money or borrow from another country like China, which already holds billions of U.S. debt. With no end of spending in sight, some estimates project that our national debt could reach $8 trillion by the year 2014.
Our President and many in Congress are taking us down the road to socialism, seizing control of key banks, insurance companies, the automobile industry, etc. They are currently working on a government funded national health care program which is expected to cost roughly $2 trillion while rationing services.
Are you fed up with a Congress and a president who:
If so, help organize and/or participate in a Taxed Enough Already (TEA) party in our community this Memorial Holiday weekend Saturday May 23 at Yowell Meadow Park 11 AM- 2 PM and help us organize around July 4th. Yowell Meadow Park will be the site for an evening event on Saturday July 11th. More events to follow.
So please mark your calendars. Culpeper TEA Party will share a booth at The Taste of Madison on Saturday September 5th. Only our July 11 event in case of summer thunder storms will have a rain date of July 25th. So keep the dates saved.
Our July TEA Party will be in the evening from 5 to 7 PM. There will be many TEA Parties in our local surrounding areas on July 4th. The American Family Association goal is to double the number of AFA sponsored TEA Party events from over 2,000 on April 15th to over 4,000 this July.
There will be several large TEA Parties on September 11 and 12th in Washington DC with hopes to get our nation back to the unity we shared on 9-12 in 2001.
Continue to write, petition, call and email your elected officials. Ask them to legislate responsibly and rescind laws that are objectionable to our consciences.
Saturday May 23 TEA Party at the Park will be RAIN or SHINE. Our event will begin earlier than the April 15th TEA Party. Be sure to come for 11 AM pre-event dramas, bring a lunch and something to sit on over at the Gardner St. side of Yowell Meadow Park via Rt. 522.
This will be different in flavor, variety and routes for action. Constructive comments and suggestions are welcome: email Thank you.
Notre Dame Mission Statement:
"The University seeks to cultivate in its students not only an appreciation for the great achievements of human beings, but also a disciplined sensibility to the poverty, injustice, and oppression that burden the lives of so many. The aim is to create a sense of human solidarity and concern for the common good that will bear fruit as learning becomes service to justice."
Notice any particular words missing? Oh, say "Catholic" or "Christian"? This mission sounds great for a charity, but not so much for an allegedly 'Catholic' university. Sad.
Christendom College Mission Statement:
"Christendom College is a Catholic coeducational college institutionally committed to the Magisterium of the Roman Catholic Church.
The College provides a Catholic liberal arts education, including an integrated core curriculum grounded in natural and revealed truth, the purpose of which at both the undergraduate and graduate levels is to form the whole person for a life spent in the pursuit of truth and wisdom. Intrinsic to such an education is the formation of moral character and the fostering of the spiritual life. This education prepares students for their role as faithful, informed, and articulate members of Christ's Church and society.
The particular mission of Christendom College, both at the undergraduate and graduate levels, is 'to restore all things in Christ,' by forming men and women to contribute to the Christian renovation of the temporal order. This mission gives Christendom College its name."
Changing One Heart At A Time
The newly released Gallup poll finding 51% percent of Americans considering themselves "pro-life" and 42% considering themselves "pro-choice" demonstrates a significant change in the electorate on this hot button issue.
This is great news for people who believe in the sanctity of life over personal convenience. Many of us who have been active in the pro-life movement have focused on just this thing, that is changing the hearts and minds of Americans.
The countless crisis pregnancy centers across the nation are doing that every day. As someone who worked for such a center for over 5 years, I can tell you that on a grassroots level, pro-life activists in these centers have been successful at changing hearts and minds one at a time for years. One by one, the eyes of young women have been opened to the sanctity of life and the dignity and value that each life has. The use of technology has also made this argument easier to make.
Young women can come into these centers and see their baby on an ultrasound (something denied them even if requested in Planned Parenthood.) And make no mistake, there is a reason that the abortion-for-profit centers run by Planned Parenthood and their allies in the abortion industry deny this option to their girls. Statistically somewhere north of 80% will choose life if they see their child on an ultrasound. Put simply, if given all of the facts, more and more women are choosing life for their unplanned or inconvenient pregnancies.
The appeal to these women to choose life is one based on truth and compassion. Unlike the abortion industry, crisis pregnancy centers do not deny the truth to women, but share the truth in love. Women are encouraged to think for themselves and are given the full facts with which to decide.
This softer approach has proven to be more effective not just because it is grounded in truth, but also because it is genuine. Many of the volunteers staffing these centers have unpanned pregnancy stories of their own to share. All of them speak from their heart and relate to their clients on a personal and heart-wrenchingly genuine level. As a result of this approach, Americans are beginning to see the truth in the pro-life movement and are beginning to join the pro-life side.
Dear President Obama,
You asked for a fair minded Debate on the issue of abortion. Well let me explain my opinion on this matter, which you should also really come to understand is probably also the position of close to half the voting population of the United states.
I received a letter from one of your fellow liberal thinkers a while ago, and I explained the viewpoint of myself, and many others in this country, to him in a simple letter back to him. Perhaps this simple, straight forward explanation is one that you can understand.
One thing I have noticed dramatically since you have come to power, you seem to have forgotten that nearly half of the country does not agree with you on so many things, yet you want to ram down our throats every far far left item from the liberal agenda all at one time.
Here is the letter he wrote to me:
Subject: I don’t fully understand your ideas, could you assist me please?
Before I ask my question I wish to say beforehand, I’m not asking this out of spite or any sort of hateful thoughts. I’m just curious about your stance on abortion, why are you so set in your ways against it when abortion can both control human population (and we are in a population crisis) and has the purposefully hidden consenquinse of lowering crime. but ill not get into that argument, for it isn’t proper conversation.
Please forgive my horrable writing, and please don’t think me a fool for asking. Maybe we can have a civil discusion as time progresses, but for now ill say fare well and thank you for replying.
Jonathan Mxxxxxx
Now President Obama, here is my response. I hope you will read it carefully, and possible try to grasp the simple principles involved here.
Dear Jonathan,
Why am I so against abortion? I am against it because it is murder of an innocent human life, plain and simple.
As for controlling the population and crime, you sound pretty selfish if you can present an argument for destroying the weakest of the human race to better the lives of the others, i.e., yourself.
We could just as easily control population and crime by killing adults, I mean if you follow this argument why place limitations?
Why not kill off all the old people as well. After all they do not produce for society but take from it.
We could also kill the ill and infirm since they are a constant drain on our resources.
We could kill the people with lower IQ’s, I mean only the intelligent should benefit from living right?
Oh, then we must also most definitely kill those who look different or think different. I mean, where would we be if people were not like you, or disagreed with you, and these people were allowed to keep on breathing.
Where do you draw the line??
Once the value of life is removed, the only limitations are those placed by those in control.
A man named Hitler went this route. His reasoning was to control what he saw as overpopulation by those who were detrimental to his view of society.
As for discussion, there is none. I am absolute in my values of innocent life, and there is no argument you or anyone else out there will ever be able to bring to me that will sway my opinion on this.
Especially since almost every single person out there who supports the so-called “Choice” of a woman to kill their children are some of the most self-centered selfish people in our day and age.
They believe in the “do it if it feels good and go on living without any consequence” mentality.
I believe in moral absolutes. Some things are unbending, unchanging. This does not matter whether you agree or disagree it is just simple fact.
Some times there is NO SHADE of GREY, just simple black and white, good and evil, right and wrong. This is one of those things.
One last thing President Obama, and I hope you really take this to heart. You have so many "changes" on your plate right now, and you have half of the country soundly against you on almost all of these. Here is one simple thought, to HELP you further your many agendas.
Take a lesson from the Dominican Republic, which in April Passed Bill to Preserve Life.
I soundly believe that if you grant us this, the end of what we see as the incoherent slaughter of our nations young, you will find a true place in history and probably much less resistance to so many of your other radical ideas and "Changes" that you are trying to implement.
"By the way, the word democracy appears in none of our founding documents.
"The Founders of our nation recognized that we need government, but because the essence of government is force, and force is evil, government should be as small as possible. The Founders intended for us to have a limited republican form of government where human rights precede government and there is rule of law. Citizens, as well as government officials, are accountable to the same laws. Government intervenes in civil society only to protect its citizens against force and fraud, but does not intervene in the cases of peaceable, voluntary exchange."
Walter Williams
We Believe . . .
That the free enterprise system is the most productive supplier of human needs and economic justice
That all individuals are entitled to equal rights, justice, and opportunities and should assume their responsibilities as citizens in a free society
That fiscal responsibility and budgetary restraints must be exercised at all levels of government
That the Federal Government must preserve individual liberty by observing constitutional limitations
That peace is best preserved through a strong national defense
That faith in God, as recognized by our Founding Fathers, is essential to the moral fiber of the Nation