Saturday, February 12, 2011

Political Violence is the Calling Card of the Left

Gary Bauer, Campaign for working Families, analyzes left-wing hate mongering and ignorance. On the right, protest diffuses political violence. On the left, protest inflames political violence.

Talk Radio and the Tucson Massacre

In the aftermath of the Tucson massacre, everyone from the sheriff of Tucson to various left-wing pundits linked the unspeakable crimes to conservative talk radio and the Tea Party movement. They argued that the strong emotion and impassioned rhetoric that are staples of those institutions fostered a climate of hate and promoted the type of violence committed by Jared Lee Loughner. But this theory has it backwards.

As I argue in an op-ed in Politico, by giving disgruntled Americans healthy and democratic outlets to express their opinions and frustrations, the Tea Party and talk radio make political violence not more likely, but less so. I invite you to read my piece here.