Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Quote of the Day
"While America continues to struggle with sky-high unemployment rates, Barack Obama is traveling the country touting his record on jobs. But today's Washington Post notes that one group is never represented whenever Obama talks about jobs -- the unemployed.
According to the Post, Obama has met with businesses executives, community college presidents, bankers and others. But in his eight trips around the country since November, Obama has held "no formal meetings with groups of unemployed people or organizations that advocate for them."
If a conservative Republican had such a record, his "disconnect from reality" would be front page news. But now even the left-wing media is starting to ask questions about the party that claims to "look out for the little guy."
I don't think there is any great mystery about what is at work here. (No pun intended.) Obama and his handlers don't want another Velma Hart moment.
Obama doesn't want to be confronted by an unemployed American who asks about his failed stimulus bill, which was supposed to keep the unemployment rate at 8%. He doesn't want to face a student who can't find a job after graduating college. He doesn't want to face a former small businessman whose company went under from his tax hikes and regulations. The only way for these folks to make their voices heard is by protesting outside of one of Obama's jobs forums."
Gary Bauer
Campaign for Working Families