WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Robert Hurt (R-Virginia) today released the following statement after voting for H.R. 3, the Northern Route Approval Act, a bill that will take the decision to approve the Keystone Pipeline out of the hands of the President and put it into the hands of Congress:
"After more than four years of needless delay, it has been high time for President Obama to put aside excuses and approve the construction of the Keystone Pipeline. Absent action by the Administration, the House today took action of its own. With bipartisan support, we adopted legislation to take this decision out of the hands of the Administration and the federal bureaucracy and put it into the hands of the American people. Virginians across the 5th District have waited long enough for lower fuel prices and economic growth that would come as a result of the pipeline. I call on the Senate to quickly approve this good bill so that we may end the delay and ease the burden on our families and small businesses by giving them lower fuel prices, increased job creation, and a stronger economy."