Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Rep. Robert Hurt Floor Speech: The Working Families Flexibility Act

– Congressman Robert Hurt (R-Virginia) today delivered the following speech in support of the Working Families Flexibility Act, a bill that will ensure private workers have the option to accrue paid time off instead of overtime compensation and provide Fifth District Virginians greater flexibility in balancing their work schedules with the demands of family life:

[You May View Robert's Remarks By Clicking Above Or HERE]


Floor Speech Text


"Thank you Mr. Speaker, and thank you Mr. Chairman for yielding. I appreciate the Committee's leadership on this important measure.


"I rise today in support of the Working Families Flexibility Act – a House of Representatives' initiative that will give families and individuals across the Fifth District the freedom of workplace choice and limit the federal over-reach in our daily lives. At a time when our economy is struggling, we must look for ways to help our hardworking families and individuals.


"Under current law, public employees can choose between using overtime hours for pay or for paid time off. Unfortunately, this same option is not afforded to those who work for private companies. With small businesses and family farms being the engine of our rural economy, this option is therefore not available for many of my constituents.


"And this bill before us today changes all of that.


"By ensuring private workers that they can accrue paid time off instead of overtime compensation, we will provide Fifth District Virginians greater flexibility in balancing work schedules and demands of family life. And we will take these important decisions out of the hands of federal bureaucrats and place them into the hands of hardworking Americans.


"It is high time that this outdated regulation be replaced with the principles of individual freedom and individual choice.


"I urge my colleagues to support this commonsense legislation and I thank Representative Roby for sponsoring this important initiative. I yield back the balance of my time."