Monday, May 27, 2013

Rep. Robert Hurt Memorial Day Address


WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Robert Hurt (R- Virginia) today released the following video address in honor of Memorial Day:


[View The Video By Clicking Above Or HERE]


Memorial Day Address Text


“Hi, I’m Robert Hurt. It is a great honor to represent the people of Virginia’s Fifth District.


“Today I am at the WWII Memorial here in Washington. Each year, thousands of people visit this memorial to pay their respects and to reflect on the enormous sacrifices of our brave men and women in uniform.


“On this Memorial Day we remember all of those brave men and women who have served – those who have gone before us and those still serving valiantly today. As we stand here in front of this great Memorial, we especially are reminded of those courageous, freedom-loving souls who joined the fight to defeat tyranny - those who defended our great nation and our principles during World War II.


“Etched in the granite walls behind me here at the World War II Memorial is an excerpt from the D-Day message sent by General Dwight Eisenhower just prior to the D-Day invasion on the beaches of Normandy. He wrote, in part, “The eyes of the world are upon you. The hopes and prayers of liberty-loving people everywhere march with you.”


“As liberty-loving Americans, we continue to march with our troops who bravely defend our interests both at home and abroad.  We must always remember that it is because of their service and sacrifice that we live in the freest and most prosperous nation on earth.


“But we well know that freedom has a price. Our hearts are heavy as we learn of our fallen soldiers who pay the ultimate price for freedom. Earlier this year, Virginia’s Fifth District suffered a great loss when Sergeant Robert Billings of Mecklenburg County and Sergeant Greg Copes of Altavista died in the line of fire in Afghanistan.


“Our thoughts and prayers continue to be their families and with all of those from Southside to Fauquier – and everywhere in between – who are serving our nation, who have served our nation, or who have lost someone to the noble cause of freedom.


“Each day, but on this Memorial Day especially, I hope you will join me in thanking all of those who have given up so much in the name of American liberty, and whose sacrifice and love of country has allowed us to continue to enjoy our American way of life.


“God Bless all of those who have gone before us, and those both at home and abroad who honorably and nobly fight for our great nation. We thank you.”