WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Robert Hurt (R-Virginia) today delivered the following speech in support of the full repeal of the President's healthcare law which is driving up costs, jeopardizing jobs, and making it harder for small businesses to hire:
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Floor Speech Text
"Mr. Speaker, today I rise in support of the full repeal of the President's healthcare law. I believe we must repeal this law and replace it with patient-centered market-oriented reforms that will improve patient care - broaden patient access - and reduce patient costs.
"From the beginning the President promised that his healthcare law would improve the quality of healthcare for all Americans. He said if you wanted to keep your doctor, his plan is for you. He said that if you wanted to keep your healthcare plan, his law was for you. He said that if you wanted lower insurance premiums, his law was for you.
"Well, the bill passed and the people of Virginia's Fifth District are getting a full dose of it. And they don't like what they see.
"As I have traveled across Virginia's 5th District, I have heard from our constituents, our Main Street businesses, our local governments, and our healthcare providers that this law is not living up to the President's promises. In fact, people are not able to keep the healthcare plans they have always counted on, people are being hit with spikes in insurance premiums. And people are having to take second jobs because they can't afford to live on a 29-hour work week.
"This repeal bill is important because it is an expression of the sentiment of the people I represent. They want real healthcare reform, not government mandates. I encourage my colleagues to support the rule and support this bill. I thank the gentleman for yielding."