Saturday, November 11, 2023

Bishop E.W. Jackson, Sr.: Pray For Our Veterans

On November 11, we celebrate Veterans Day, to honor all who have served. This is a very important day and we should never forget how special it is.

All who put on the uniform and raise their right hands in an oath to the Constitution offer their lives to defend our country from all enemies, foreign and domestic. Although we serve for a period of years, there is no expiration date on that oath.

At the end of the World War I, the armistice was signed on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month of 1918 - "Armistice Day." November 11 was to be a celebration, not only of the end of WWI, but the end of all war.

Yet war did not end. World War II erupted 21 years later. Then there was the Korean Conflict, the Vietnam War, and the war on terror. Today we face the possibility of being drawn into the fighting in Ukraine and Israel. While we hate war, we know that it will be necessary as long as there are sinful men and women in this world.

As a Marine Corps veteran, I honor my brothers and sisters who serve. In spite of the lighthearted jostling between the various branches, we respect each other for that service and take very seriously our responsibility to defend our country.

Veterans Day is our opportunity to express our undying gratitude to those who "loved country more than life." Some came home from combat physically and psychologically wounded. Some never came home. We owe them all a debt of thanks that we can never repay.

Pray for our veterans. They face many challenges post military service and a government that is slow to meet their needs. Pray also that those on active duty today will be delivered from the social experimentation inflicted on them in recent years. Instead of being forced into the role of social justice warriors whose highest duty is to take showers with women who want to be men and men who want to be women, may our heroes be set free to do the job they signed up to do.

Those who have served honorably and hung up their uniforms never forget their oath. May our nation never forget them, always honor them, and may God bless them for their service.

For God & Country