Sunday, November 5, 2023

Speak out against dangerous Smart utility meters in your home

A Smart meter is a new type of electronic utility meter that transmits usage data and which emits high level electromagnetic radiation (EMR) known to be harmful.


It allows your utility company to read your meter for billing purposes and also gives them access to detailed information about your private home life, without your consent, which is then shared with the government and third parties. 


Dominion Electric Virginia now wants to coerce you into having a Smart meter on your home by raising your monthly electric bill if you opt-out of installation.


Even if you choose to opt out, they will install an "opt-out" meter, which is essentially the same thing as a Smart meter: It emits high levels of radiation and allows Dominion to gather and share information about activities in your home.


Some states have banned coercive Smart meter installation. We must do the same in Virginia.