Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Gary Bauer: About That Pipeline

Do you remember the initial shocking reports in September of 2022 that two major pipelines supplying critical natural gas to Europe were blown up? 

Immediately, we were bombarded by what can only be described as "propaganda," launched by the U.S. government, the media establishment and, frankly, a lot of good people in Congress who believe in a strong national defense.  

"It was obviously Russia," they insisted. "Putin did this so Europe would freeze during the winter. It's energy blackmail," they claimed.

Well, my "BS antenna" went up immediately. Why would Russia blow up its own pipelines, when they could just turn them off? It made absolutely no sense for Putin to destroy a primary source of income, especially since he has simply shut off the spigot before. (Here and here.)

But if you were one of the few voices who said, "Russia blowing up its own pipeline is insane," you were denounced as a "Putin apologist" and a "Russian stooge," and accused of undermining the free people of Ukraine. 

Now, more than two years later, we find out that Ukraine, in fact, did it. 

A major report by the Washington Post and the German media outlet Der Spiegel broke over the weekend. It details how Roman Chervinsky, a colonel in Ukraine's special forces, led a six-person team to destroy the Nord Stream pipelines.

So, the government in Kiev that we're all in with was willing to let Europeans die from exposure to the cold in order to push them into a conflict with Russia.

I bring this up because we have to be discerning, particularly when the war drums are being beaten so hard. 

The rush to Ukraine's side has already cost us more than $100 billion. And there are plenty of reasons to believe that this story isn't the only lie that was pushed on us and Western Europe.