Saturday, September 29, 2012

Quote of the Day

“A left-wing Super PAC funded by George Soros' son has produced a video featuring blockbuster actor Samuel L. Jackson bashing Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan. But what makes this pro-Obama celebrity endorsement unusual is that the video is a four-minute obscenity-laced rant that concludes with a young girl screaming out of a window, "WAKE THE F--K UP!"

“Liberals and their left-wing media allies never miss an opportunity to blame conservatives and the Tea Party for the overheated rhetoric that has lowered our public discourse and divided our nation. It is a lie meant to intimidate and silence conservatives. 

“This Soros/Jackson video is a disgusting new low in the left's contributions to the coarsening of our culture, not to mention the delinquency of a minor. It should also serve as a clarion call for men and women of faith to redouble their efforts in this election in order to take back this country and defend our cherished values!”

Gary Bauer