Monday, August 11, 2008

Obama's "Change": Intimidation and extortion

Taking a page from the Marxist play book, Obama and his leftist fellow travelers have a 'plan' for America, and it's not one which our Founding Fathers would approve.

Once again, the “tyrants of tolerance” are exposing their extremism. They are not content to have open debates or free and fair elections. They want to silence all voices of opposition! They want to shut down conservative and Christian talk radio with the “Fairness Doctrine.” They want to gag pastors and pro-family organizations with “hate crimes” laws and speech codes. And now they are taking their campaign of intimidation and repression into the political arena by harassing donors to conservative candidates and causes.

That is the “change” Barack Obama and his extremist supporters intend to bring to America. Is that what you want for your children and grandchildren? Will you allow yourself to be silenced by leftwing intimidation and political extortion?

I certainly have no intention of allowing my voice to be silenced or to have this work shut down by frustrated, intolerant leftists who have become so embittered by repeated rejections at the ballot box that they have lost their respect for democracy. In fact, you may be interested in my most recent Human Events column entitled "The Gospel According to Obama".

Gary Bauer